Goddamn him.
Damn him straight to hell.
I can’t form words. My mouth and tongue are frozen speechless, but my heart pounds violently against my abdomen.
“No.” I growl out, causing his canines to sink so painfully into my neck that I wouldn’t be surprised if there was blood coating my flesh. His hips dig into my ass, rocking so savagely into my backside that my face is now pressed up against a row of books.
“Fuck, Charlotte.” He grinds out as if he’s in pain. My body instinctively arches into him even when I’ve told him no, and that's when I feel his mouth leave my body, and realize he’s dropped down onto his knees behind me. His hands quickly reach for the top of leggings, and he swiftly drags them down my legs until my bare ass is on display. “Just because I can’t get my cock in you doesn’t mean I’m not going to fuck you.” Each one of his large hands grabs a handful of my ass and squeezes until a desperate cry falls from my mouth. “My tongue has yet to fill you.” He pries my ass apart, exposing me inside the library stocked with crucifixes and godly scriptures that will be witnessing all my sins. Guilt suddenly crashes through me, but my depraved side is eager to be eaten.
As he leans in and spreads me further, I feel his warm breath dance over both holes. My ass puckers while my clit throbs, waiting impatiently for either the drag of his tongue or the touch of his finger to assault me. “You gonna tell me why you’re here?” He asks as his lips barely graze against my pussy causing my anger to skyrocket.
Was this his game all along? Use my weakened state against me as if I’ll spill all my secrets to him?
“You gonna divulge your past, Arsen?” I growl. “Because I’d love to know how you became such a dick.”
The second the word ‘dick’ flies out of my mouth, I feel his wet tongue slide across my slit in one agonizing drag. My whole body ignites from the short sampling he had of me, sending blistering flames across every aching part of me that was desperate for his touch. My top teeth stab the skin of my lower lip, stifling the moans that were on the threshold of escaping my mouth.
“If I were a gentleman, you wouldn’t be getting your ass licked or pussy eaten. So be fucking thankful I’m a dick because I’m about to ravage your body.” His harsh voice vibrates against the outer lips of my pussy, sending a wave of shocks down my legs and to my curling toes. I wanted to dispute his crude comment badly, but deep down, I knew he was right.
Would I honestly be here right now if he were any other man?
His tongue comes back for seconds, flicking at my clit with a softness that has my nerve ends exploding with pure unfiltered ecstasy. My hand that was gripping the shelf is now pressed against my mouth like a muzzle, hushing the cries of pleasure that are trapped in the back of my throat.
Give me your whole mouth dammit.
His short jabs against my center were maddening. It was just enough to send me over the edge, but I needed more. Arching and bending my back to a slightly painful degree, I hoped he’d take the subtle hint that I needed much more than his soft licks.
“Beg, angel.” He whispers against me. “Beg for more, and I’ll fucking devour you until God himself can hear your cries.”
Why did he have to be so crude yet so damn intoxicating?
Practically foaming at the mouth and soaking my thighs, I’m almost positive Arsen's face is now covered in my wetness. I fight every demon inside me that's telling me to leave.
He’s had a taste, now leave before you fall deeper under his spell. Leave before he fucking ruins you and spits you out.
Don’t let him win.
“Give me your words, Charlotte.” He demands. “Give me what I want to hear.”
With heavy reluctance, I push aside God’s plan for me and let Arsen fully corrupt me.
“Eat me like I’m yours, Arsen.”
A primal growl fills the air. The hands on my ass forcibly spread me wide and, finally, with purpose and brutality, his mouth suctions over my cunt. His tongue slashes all around me, diving deep into every dip and crevice until ultimately sinking far into my hole. The sensation is ethereal as twinkling stars begin to blur my vision with each swipe and suction of his mouth. Arsen eats me with fury, with the sole purpose of engraving himself into my body as if I’d ever forget our experience. Almost like he wanted to leave an everlasting imprint on me with his tongue, assuring that no one else could possibly make me feel this way. That he and only he would be the origin of my release.
“You taste like poison.” He drags the width of his tongue down my slit and toward my virgin asshole, where he circles the tip around my hole. “So fucking good, yet so damn deadly.” He dips inside me, causing a foreign feeling to crawl up my spine and expand into something euphoric.
“God, Arsen.” I sigh, letting his mouth explore every exposed inch of me as if I belong to him. And he stayed true to his word, too. That he’d ravage my body, but what he didn’t know was that he was destroying me as well. Ruining every single chance that I have at beating this addiction.
Because now that Arsen has had me, I’d never stop wanting more.
“You think this will be enough for you? For us?” He continues his soft jabs around my ass but then, with savage force, shoves two fingers inside my pussy. He thrusts in tempo with his tongue, creating the most dizzying effect on me that every muscle in my legs feels like jello.
“It’s enough for now.” I lie, knowing my words would piss him off. Growling, he plunges into me with such powerful force that a deafening scream rips through my mouth and echoes all around us.
“Lie again, and I’ll get my fucking fix from someone else.” He thunders as I feel my once fiery veins become doused with ice-cold rage.
Was he seriously talking about fucking someone else while he has his tongue in my ass?