I hear Priscilla curse under her breath before stalking closer to the side of the bed. “Fine, but we’re covering her fucking mouth. The last thing I need is for someone to walk by her room and hear us.”
Oh my god.
They were going to kill me. They were going to cover my mouth so my grunting and moaning would be silenced, and whatever fucked-up scheme they had planned for me could be done without disturbance. In that moment, all I could think about was Arsen. How even though he completely screwed me over, I still felt the same powerful attraction towards the man who would forever own me. When or if I die here tonight, would he miss me at all? Would my absence even cause a shift in his life? I was starting to believe that I was going to die loving a man who would never feel the same towards me. Out of all the pain and misery that tonight was going to bring, Arsen’s rejection was by far the worst.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a soft cloth of some kind is gently wrapped around my mouth as my head is lifted off the bed. Twisting my head back and forth, I try using my teeth and make frantic movements to stop them from covering my mouth, but with a sharp tug of my hair, I groan and surrender. “Relax, little mouse. We’re only doing this for your protection.” Annalise mutters from above me as she ties the fabric around the back of my skull.
My protection?
How the hell is muzzling me a form of protection? If anything, it was protecting them.
Once she finishes with the cloth, she lowers my head back down and uses her cold fingers to brush away the hair in my face, giving me a clear view of her face. She gazes down at me like I am something fragile and vital to her existence, but what lingers beyond the depths of her eyes is something far more crazed. Fierce lust consumes her form in every ragged breath, every potent stare, but every manic movement she made toward me made me think differently.
Why would you kill someone you’re obsessed with?
Because that’s what she was. She was dominated by the idea that I secretly wanted to be with her. She couldn’t accept the fact that I had already been claimed by someone else, so this was her way of forcing me to acknowledge her.
Acknowledge us as more than just friends.
Shifting my eyes away from hers, I try to focus on the plain white wall beside her. I wish my life was as simple and as dull as the paint. No one ever wants boring white-colored walls in their homes. Instead, people go for the more noticeable and sometimes edgier colors, so they stand out. In my case, I never wanted to stand out again. I should have avoided every single person I encountered at St. Catherine’s and just kept to myself. I should’ve focused on my studies, on fixing my issues, and gotten myself the fuck out of there.
No Arsen.
No Annalise, Priscilla, and Verity.
And no Phoebe.
Finding her body was the root of it all. If I never made that early morning run, no one would be as interested in me as they are now. I would’ve been left alone.
Abruptly, a light touch on my feet has my body tensing immediately. Their soft finger glides down the curve of my bare foot, sliding under my heel until it’s trailing up the length of my leg. A few more fingers are added, then a full hand starts massaging my calf muscle.
“Feel good?” Priscilla asks as my eyes collide with hers. Bent down on her knees, she kneads at my leg with vigor and blatant desire. Despite how twisted and bizarre this was, I couldn’t help but groan in pleasure from the massage. Under this drugged state I was in, any touch to my skin made me erupt into a wildfire. I couldn’t stop the spread if I wanted to, and she knew it. She knew just how her flesh on mine would affect me, so she continued rubbing but now up higher on my leg.
“Of course, it feels good for her.” Annalise announces with a heavy breath beside me. “She’s been suppressing her needs for us for so fucking long that when we touch her now, she’s going to beg for more.” My eyes refuse to meet Annalise, but she quickly changes that when she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. She then leans her face close to where she’s only about an inch away from my mouth. “Isn’t that right, little mouse?”
I wanted to bite her damn lip off. I wanted to tie her up and torture her just as she was doing to me. I wanted her to feel helpless and violated until that stupid ass name evaporated from her vocabulary. I hated them both and how my imposter of a body fell for their allure.
Priscilla’s hand drifts further and further up the length of my leg until she reaches my upper thigh.
“Can’t you see we want you with us, Charlotte?” Annalise proclaims with her hand still on my chin. “To be a part of us and live life how we were designed to?” Her eyebrows sink in with a serious expression across her face, but it’s becoming difficult to focus with Priscilla’s hand still groping me. “We are destined for greater and more ethereal things, and God notices that. He sees we're unique and accepts the fact we embrace our flaws.” Her thumb starts to rub along my cheekbone. “We will never conform with the public, and they will never see us as one of them. So instead of waiting for you to realize you belong with us, we decided to have you accept the fact now.”
I’m so lost and bewildered by her insane theories that I almost fail to notice Priscilla’s hand grazing the sides of my underwear.
“We know you feel this.” Annalise strokes my face as Priscilla reaches both hands under my dress and tugs my panties down my immobile legs. “Don’t fight it. Don’t fight us. We only want to make you feel good and make you see through our eyes what we see.”
They were going to rape me.
I couldn’t stop Priscilla from discarding my underwear off my body, and I couldn’t stop her from pushing my dress up until it was now at my hips. Unwanted desire coursed through my veins, and I cursed my addiction. Damn it straight to hell while the girls, who told me to embrace it, used it against me. Even dazed and motionless, I felt the tremors of my bare pussy now put on display course through me.
“Such a pretty little cunt.” Priscilla coos at my feet as my stare lingers on Annalise, who won’t remove her stare from mine.
“Touch it.” Annalise demands. “Use the pad of your finger and rub her clit.”