
All I see is fucking red at the mention of Annalise.

Was she only trying to get a rise out of me, or was she being truthful? Every fiber in my body wanted to believe that it was a lie, that Annalise was nowhere to be fucking found, and Charlotte was here alone, but another part of me felt betrayed. My already ruined heart was cracking even further, to the point I could feel the beating slowly diminish into nothing.

“Drink it.” She demands again. “And I’ll take you to the precious little mouse.”

My skin burned along with every shattered organ inside my body. I didn’t want to take demands from a fucking five-foot-nothing girl, but I knew I had to. I had to give up my control for the woman who would forever own me.

Snatching the glass from her grip, I toss it back. I let the burning liquid flow down my throat until I empty the cup and shove it back in her face.

“Take me to her.” I growl angrily as another smile filters across her face. Nodding as if she’s impressed, she nods for me to follow her.

I trail closely behind her, impatient as fuck, and still glowing with rage. We weave through crowds, pass the bar, then end up in a corner where people are standing around mingling. She comes to a stop near the middle and spins around till she’s facing me.

“Where is she?” I survey our surroundings, and there’s still no sight of Charlotte.

“I told you she’s here, didn't I?” Her eyes linger on my lips, and suddenly, my eyes feel heavy. Shaking my head, I glare back down at her.

“Then where the fuck is she?” I shout once again as my head starts to pound violently, and my legs feel like jello.

What the fuck is going on?

My vision becomes hazy, and I try to adjust my eyes to focus on Verity, then suddenly, she leans in too close for comfort.

“She’s here, Arsen.” She breathes out in a slow voice that sounds entirely offbeat. I stare into her incredibly green eyes with fury, but I can’t seem to formulate any words. She closes the distance between us, dancing her red lips over mine softly. “She’s ours now.” She ghosts her eyes off to the side before slamming her mouth down on mine.

I can’t even fucking move. I can’t muster up the strength to push her off because my body feels as though it's useless. The need to hurt her consumes my thoughts. I want to get her mouth off mine and find Charlotte.

But I'm stuck at an idle, with murderous intent coursing through my veins.

She drugged me.

This wasn't just a coincidence. This was fucking planned out, and I was their prey. Charlotte was their prey too, and we were both hopeless to escape.

She then tears her mouth off mine, and I find myself slowly sagging into her.

“Foolish man.” She chuckles wickedly. “You should have just left her alone.”



I was lying on a bed. A soft, familiar-smelling bed that I desperately wanted to sink into until I could escape from the nightmare of tonight. I would rather disappear off the face of this earth than lie here vulnerable in the clutches of two girls who I once thought were my friends. Two lionesses in sheep's clothing. They lured me in with their companionship and empathy until I practically fell headfirst into their devious trap.

The three of them weren’t just girls from St.Catherine’s. They were far worse than I could have ever imagined. Manipulative, toxic, and deadly. They were never going to stop until they had me at their mercy. And they finally got what they wanted.

As my nostrils began to fill with recognizable scents, I realized that we were in my room. And while I was tossed onto my bed, both Annalise and Priscilla were hovering above me with clear intent in their eyes.

“Is it really that fucking hard to admit you want me?” Annalise questions in an angry tone that causes my stomach to twist. I tried to kick my legs and thrash my arms, but nothing was working. I was stuck.

“That you want both of us?” Priscilla adds as Annalise rests her frame against her side. They both watch me with the same expression, and all I can do is lie there immobile and frightened. I was petrified over what would going to happen next or if it was on their agenda to hurt me.

Groaning, I swivel my head around in frustration. As I do, my hair falls over my face and covers most of my vision, blocking the perception that I had of both of them. And now, without it, I start to panic.

“I told you we should have just brought her into the woods.” Priscilla mumbles, annoyed and slightly aggravated, as I hear the sounds of shuffling feet on the floor.

“We’re doing this my way. My goddamn way, and if you don’t like it, you can leave.” Annalise shouts frantically as her voice completely shifts into a psychotic rage. Her tone is high-pitched, but the intensity of it makes my body cower lower into the bed.