Arsen didn’t just create a mania within me. He ravaged my morals along with the chance to fix myself. He ruined the hopes of me one day living a normal life, a life without judgment and constant worry, but as I laid here being feasted upon, normal began to sound mundane.
“Fuck, Arsen, right there.” I claw my nails into the wood of the pew, forming indents in the seats that would surely be visible in the light. His tongue was the only thing on me, licking and swirling. I felt as though I needed something inside me to further ignite my fire. “More.” I groan, grinding my hips over his face.
“You have a greedy little pussy, don’t you?” He vibrates over me. Giving me exactly what I need, he slides two fingers over my hole before pushing them deep inside me. “Always wanting more.”
“Yes!” I scream. “God, yes.”
He drives his fingers to the hilt and curls them until he’s pressing onto the spot that has me spasming around him. “God isn’t making you cum, angel, I am. But maybe he’s watching you writhe in pleasure under his temple, wishing he was the one between your legs devouring you right now.”
Oh my god.
“But even he will never have you entirely.” He growls possessively. “From now on, when you need to pray, come to me. I’ll fucking answer you.” His tongue flicks violently over my clit, mashing every nerve ending in my button until I feel something potent brewing inside me.
“I’ll be your deity. You’re heaven and hell combined. You want forgiveness? You want salvation from the wickedness of the world?” He demands harshly as his finger thoroughly fuck me into submission. “Then you better open your legs and surrender yourself to your new fucking god.”
And just like that, I shatter into a million pieces on the fingers and tongue of the man who undeniably owns me.
Fuck yes, she’s coming.
She's choking my fingers so hard that I feel like I’m losing blood circulation in them, but I don’t care. I don’t care if I lose my fingers from lack of blood flow. I don’t care if God strikes me dead right now because I’m defiling his pupil.
I don’t fucking care.
I’d rather die with her taste on my tongue than live a second without her. I was more than just enchanted by her. I was doomed. She was never just going to be the challenging woman who constantly provoked me. As much as I fucking hoped and wished that I’d somehow be able to ignore our connection, I couldn’t.
Now more than ever.
I lap at Charlotte’s cunt, swallowing the juices from her orgasm as she begins to come down from her high. With my fingers still lodged deep inside her, I manage to gently ease them out despite the reluctance from the strangling convulsions she’s still experiencing.
“I can’t believe we did that.” She softly groans as if she’s embarrassed by what we did, but I’m anything but that. Removing her legs off each shoulder, I place her feet softly on the ground before rising to my feet in front of her. As I start to clean the residue off my fingers with my mouth, I begin to hear Charlotte yanking her shorts up her body until I use my foot and drag them back down her legs.
“I didn't say I was done with you yet.” I warn while sucking my fingers clean. She gasps quietly, but I quickly find her arm and yank her up into a standing position. I wish I could see her goddamn face right now. Was she blushing like she always does around me, or was she fearful of what I had in store for her next? “Take your shirt off, angel.” I order, placing my palms on her bare hips before toying with the bottom of her blouse. Even if I couldn’t see her or admire her figure, I wanted to be able to touch her freely, without any fabric getting in the way. I wanted my rough skin to taint her soft flesh.
“Arsen…” She tries deflecting, but I slowly begin to drag the shirt up her belly and past her chest before she can stop me.
“No.” I press. “No more defying me.” Her arms lift above her head, and I pull the shirt completely off until she’s fully naked. “No more questioning me.” Reaching for her thighs once again, I lift her off the ground and wrap her securely around my front. “Don’t think, just obey.”
I walk us up the aisle of the church, passing the rows of pews until I climb the steps and stop at the altar. Setting her ass on the edge of it, I reach my arm around her and shove off what feels like candles, a bible, and other items off the top until I feel I can lay her back.
“We shouldn’t do this.” She begs as if she just forgot what I said moments ago.
Fuck, what I would do to see her right now.
My cock painfully stretches inside my pants, so I urgently unzip my jeans and let it breathe. “There’s a lot of things we shouldn’t do, but this is definitely not one of those things.” Palming my dick through my boxers, I let Charlotte’s heavy breathing consume my appetite to fuck her right here on the altar. It was entirely unethical and wrong in every sense, but my wickedness needed to claim her in the most depraved of ways.
“It’s one thing to eat me out on a church pew, but this… This seems so immoral like we're defiling it.” Charlotte’s voice cracks as she remains lying on the Altar.
“St. Catherine’s is immoral.” I snap. “I’ll fuck you in every square inch of this school if it means I get to piss off God and every other person here. I’m already damned, angel, so I might as well use my deviance for some good in the place that eradicated my soul.”
I knew I was never going to heal from Phoebe’s death. I was always going to be reminded of what happened and the school that undoubtedly caused her demise. St. Catherine’s will forever live in the back of my mind, but at times like these, when I could say fuck you and debase its holy grounds, I would. I will dishonor and fucking ravage its reputation.
“Your soul is still in there, Arsen. As broken and as shattered as it may be, it still lives and thrives inside you.” She speaks softly with words that beckon me closer towards her body.
“Whatever’s left of it is yours.” I grind out, desperate to get my hands on her again. “Every ruptured and mutilated part.” Slowly, I start to circle the altar, using my imagination to see her bare body spread out on the shrine. “I wish I could see you right now.” I groan. “I bet you look fucking angelic all spread out and prime for the taking. So damn breathtaking, too.”