Pretending I didn't hear her, I pick up my pace and pray to God she just leaves me alone. The last thing I want to do is face her and explain why I was watching them last night. My stomach is already feeling queasy again, even after vomiting my brains out this morning, but as I try escaping down the connecting hall, I feel a hand grasp my shoulder. “Are you running from me?” Annalise asks in a stunned tone as the strength in her grip manages to stop me and spin me around. Her eyebrows dip in confusion, tracing every inch of my face for answers. Glancing everywhere else but at her, I feel on the verge of crying, and sure enough, a single tear spikes my eyelashes.
“Look at me, little mouse.” She orders softly, stepping in closer. Her floral scent invades my nostrils, soothing some of the anxiety that’s billowing inside me. But it soon diminishes as my stare meets hers, and all I can see is the expression on her face when I caught her last night. “What’s wrong?”
Are you kidding me? What kind of a question is that?
She looks genuinely worried as her hand rubs gently across my shoulder, but as my eyes trail over her blazer, my face suddenly breaks out in a flush. I know exactly how she looks naked, from the size of her breasts and how they jiggled down to her hairless pussy. Jesus, how was I ever going to look at her again without imagining her like that? Every interaction would now be uncomfortable and awkward because if I was thinking about what happened, she sure as fuck was too.
“Seriously?” She laughs, amused. Removing her palm off my shoulder, she crosses both arms across her chest. “That’s what you’re all uneasy about?” Her eyes widen, and a devious smirk appears across her mouth. “You’re cute.”
“Please stop.” I groan in a mumble, shifting all my weight from one foot to the other as I feel doused in embarrassment.
There’s definitely nothing cute about this.
“It’s really not a big deal. So what, you watched us? I would’ve done the same in your position.” She responds like she’s trying to justify what I did. Groaning, I peer around us, hoping no one is listening to our conversation before letting out a deep breath.
“It’s not okay.” I shyly respond while shaking my head. “I… I don’t know why I…” I try to say, but Annalise’s finger quickly presses against my mouth like she’s shushing me.
“Sex isn’t something to get embarrassed about, little mouse. It’s a primal need in all of us to chase that hunger.” She goes on, staring directly into my soul. “Watching it is no different than doing it. You get to appreciate the way the body moves when it’s frantic for that high. It’s normal to want what they're experiencing. To want to feel every emotion and desire that seeps into their bones.” Her words transfix me, but something still felt off, something that I couldn’t explain. Even if she was somewhat making sense, it still felt wrong. Her eyes gradually lighten, and another smirk manifests on her face. “Fuck, I’d be worried if you didn’t stay to watch.”
“I was just shocked.” I lie. “I was… surprised to see both you and Priscilla.” I swallow, as her brow lifts suspiciously.
“And why’s that?”
Noticing the halls were now empty, and we were both now late to class, I try to signal in some way that we need to go, but she remains glued to the floor. “I didn’t realize you two were together.” I confess. After all the bickering between them and the constant hostile tension, I would have never guessed they were lovers. Especially being complete opposites of each other.
“Who says we're together?” She tilts her head to the side, causing her blonde locks to sway over to one side.
“I just assumed.”
Her grin widens, and a deep giggle falls out of her mouth. “You don’t have to be dating to fuck. It’s just a convenience thing.” She shrugs. “We use each other when we need to.”
Nodding, I feel apprehensive talking about it at all. She knows my affliction, and even though I crave it constantly, it doesn’t mean I feel comfortable talking about it with just anyone. Especially after this incident. “Ohh.” I nod as she continues to watch me.
“Did you like it?” She asks, causing my body to stiffen immediately.
What the hell?
She isn’t smiling like it’s a joke. She looks beyond interested to know my answer.
“Uhhh, I… I don’t...”
“It’s okay to admit it.” She adds, stirring in more anxiety to my already overflowing pot of emotions. Why does she want me to admit I liked it? Would it even matter if I did or didn’t? But to her, it clearly was important.
“I’m not into girls like that.” I admit.
She begins chewing on her inner mouth and then nibble on her bottom lip with a grin. “I wasn’t either.” Her eyes darken, shifting to a shade that causes her pale complexion to really glow. “They're softer, you know. Gentler. They know all the right places to make your body come alive.”
Eyes swimming in blatant lust, she drags her stare down the length of my body, making my chest harden from the raw hunger in her leer. Annalise Chambers wants me. It wasn’t a question anymore if she was coming onto me or not. Now I could see her want and desire. Not only was she attracted to me, but she wanted to do all the things she and Phoebe did with me. She wants to rub her bare skin against mine as our pussies clash against one another. She wants to drop to her knees and tongue me until I’m gasping for air and begging for more.
Annalise Chambers wants to fuck me.
She takes a step closer to me, causing me to shy away. “Were you touching yourself?” She growls while continuing to enter my personal space as I keep stepping back. “Did we make you cum, little mouse?”
She knows I was stroking myself. Of course, she saw.
My heart hammers with each step until my back smacks against the wall and the tops of her shoes press up against mine. Why was she doing this? Even if my skin was on fire and a sharp shock flickered within my core, I knew I didn’t want this. Fantasizing about it was a whole other thing, but I couldn’t possibly want her. She didn’t make my soul ache or blood burn like he did.
And sadly, Arsen, a man who would never fully want me, held that place in my heart.