Gripping the door handle, I rip it open and storm out of her office until I’m standing in the middle of the corridor with skin that burns painfully. Angry wasn’t the right word for how I was feeling right now. I was beyond livid. Dangerous and lethal, my hands shake uncontrollably at my sides as if they needed something to squeeze, something to hurt.

Standing stoic, my breathing remains erratic while my heart pounds like a jackhammer, desperate to escape the safety of my chest. Being in St. Catherine’s wasn’t exactly making things better either. The sweet smell of the school was making my stomach churn violently.

“Arsen?” A foreign voice asks from behind me, causing my form to stiffen. Quickly spinning around to see who it is, I meet the eyes of a pretty redhead. Her fiery hair was what stood out to me at first, but then, as I moved my stare over her freckled face, her green eyes sucked me in.

“Do I know you?” I question rudely, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Rocking on her heels, she grins softly before shaking her head back and forth. “No, but I know you. I’ve seen you with my friend Charlotte.”

My ears perk up the second Charlotte’s name falls out of her mouth. Was Charlotte talking about me? And what exactly was she saying?

“I’m Verity.” She smiles brightly, showing off her perfect set of pearly white teeth that sparkle in contrast with her red lipstick. There’s no denying she is beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous really. With a curvy body that I once would have loved to get my hands and teeth on, but now I was too distracted by a defiant brunette who was burned into my veins. Every woman I’ve met after Charlotte seems lackluster and dull, to the point my cock doesn’t even stir. I hated the control she had over me, but I knew if I fucked her, I’d become addicted.

“Verity.” I test her strange name out, and her eyes brighten.

“Weird name, right?” She chuckles as she tilts her head to the side. “But I like to be a little different.”

Nodding, I watch as her eyes trail steadily down my body before slowly scaling up. Was Charlotte’s friend really trying to hit on me right now?

I could feel a pair of searing eyes penetrate through me from somewhere in front of me. It wasn’t just your normal kind of uncomfortable sensation. It was fucking unbearable to stand there. So, lifting my eyes from Verity, I peer over her shoulder and scour for the source. My eyes scan from left to right until they finally clash with a pair of deadly eyes that sends a jolt straight to my dick.


Standing next to a blonde, she carefully observes Verity and me with flames in her heated stare. With her arms crossed and a nasty scowl across her lips, I can’t help but grin in return at the blatant jealousy that strikes her features. Lifting a brow, I challenge her.

What’s wrong, angel?

Fuck, she’s stunning when she’s pissed. Her long hair is tied up in a messy ponytail while her face is void of any makeup. So different from every other woman I’ve had, which is so damn refreshing. My stare casually drops down to her exposed legs, and all I can think about is getting my tongue on her flesh. Tasting her inner thighs with slow calculated licks until I sink my teeth onto her wet cunt.


Licking my bottom lip, she watches my every move and the glower that was once on her face is now replaced with curiosity.



The amount of dread coursing through my body this morning was enough to agitate my stomach and cause a stream of vomit to spew out of my mouth. I stayed on my knees for a good thirty minutes as I hovered over my trash can, emptying the contents from my belly until the only thing that escaped my mouth were the sounds of my dry heaving. My nerves got the best of me as they usually did, but something about this was different. Breaking my rules with Arsen was intoxicating. It felt right in every sense, even if my head told me to stay away. I felt free and wild, but after last night, I only felt dirty and weak. I was the creep in the background who watched two people fuck. I endured the same tortuous hunger as they did for one another, but even more because I wished I was the one being devoured. I wanted rough hands to caress my body while my pussy was annihilated. I couldn’t switch my desire off as a normal person could. I couldn’t stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into the sounds of their euphoric cries, even If I tried.

I imagined Arsen and I together, but I also dreamt of something far more twisted. Something I’ve never experienced or felt before, but my curiosity climaxed, and I envisioned myself tucked in the middle of Annalise and Priscilla, feeling their warm wet skin stick to mine as they worshiped my body. It felt wrong and twisted because I had never thought of being with a woman before, but something about watching it unfold before my eyes made my skin warm.

Now, as I sit in theology class, I watch as the long hand on the clock circles around until the dreadful sound of the bell rings. A rush of air leaves my mouth, and I remain stoic in my chair as the others make their way out of the room. I knew the time where I’d have to confront both Annalise and Priscilla was coming, but I would try to push it off as long as I could, even if my next period was with one of them.

“You okay, Charlotte?”

My body instantly jolts from the sound of Mr. Ben as his face comes into view. His dark eyebrows lower in worry as his eyes scan my seemingly pale face. “Yes, sorry. I was spacing out.” I rush the words out, and scramble to get out of the chair. I must look like a hot mess because he takes a hesitant step away from me while observing me closely.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look like you feel well.” His concern was sweet, but if he knew the real reason why I looked the way I did, I’m sure he’d faint. But, oddly enough, he gave off an energy that made me think he had been a dangerous man in his youth. A ladies’ man and for someone like me to avoid. His peppered hair was on the longer side, but in a stylish way that made him look younger than his forty-three years. Deep tan skin, possibly part Mexican or even Italian that also helped his youth’s appearance. Girls would, of course, gossip about him or even try to capture his attention, but he disregarded every desperate attempt. It was most likely due to the silver band sheathed around his ring finger.

With my bag now slung over my shoulder, I give him a modest smile of reassurance. “I’m fine, really. I stayed up a little longer than I should have last night.”

Nodding, he returns a smile and starts to walk towards his desk. “Ah.” He chuckles. “Well, that’ll do it.” With his back now facing my direction, I take the opportunity to sneak out of the room and head down the semi-crowded hallway. Already on high alert, I track every body and face that comes into my line of vision. I can feel the throbbing of my heart intensify with each step, along with every other organ inside me. I want to turn back around and go somewhere safe, somewhere private where I can be alone and pretend like I am someone else.

Someone who was normal.

“Charlotte!” A high pitched voice shouts from behind me . As soon as the sound breaks through the air, I immediately know it’s Annalise.
