“What’s going on with you two?” Josie asks, genuinely concerned.
“Nothing.” I lie. “She’s just a bitch.”
“Major bitch.” She grumbles.
As the crowds begin to disperse, we find it a good time to start walking back to our cars. The party at Nate’s was going to be starting soon and we still needed to drop my car off back at home.
“Woah, looks like daddy Fitzgerald and Wes are getting into it.” Josie gestures across the lot where they both stand by a pick-up truck, blatantly shouting at each other.
“I’m fucking trying, Wes! What do you want me to do?” Mr. Fitzgerald barks with his hands tangled in his hair. Pure agony was written all over his face as he stared at his son. Wes’s expressionless face said it all, like he could care less his dad was causing a scene in front of the whole school.
“Whatever.” Wes shakes his head while trying to maneuver around his dad, but a quick reach of his hand and he’s latched onto Wes’s upper arm.
“Don’t walk away when I’m trying to fucking talk to you!” Mr. Fitzgerald growls like an animal and bares his teeth.
Wes immediately rips his arm out of his hold and all hell breaks loose. Wes’s normally aqua eyes turn dark and he rears his hand back before striking his dad across the face, landing a harsh blow to his nose. He stumbles back grabbing onto his face, but in seconds he’s ready to attack. My feet move quickly and before I know it, I’m in between the both of them with my arms out.
“What are you doing here?” Wes asks, completely caught off guard by my interruption. I peer down at his shaky hands, and then look over my shoulder at Mr. Fitzgerald.
He didn’t bother covering his nose as blood flowed freely down his face, dripping off his beard and staining his white dress shirt. His eyes were unrecognizable as they stared down at his son, completely avoiding me. His unreadable expression was what terrified me the most, he looked as if he was ready to kill.
“Are you okay?” The words come out slow but clear enough for him to hear. His mouth clenches the minute I speak as he keeps his gaze directed on his son. “Mr. Fitz..”
Like a strike of lightning, his eyes come down on mine. Once unreadable, they're now full of emotions. Like he’s unloading everything he feels on me. Anger, sorrow, hurt, and emptiness, the emotions of a deeply broken man. The rhythm of my heart increases, and I feel my arm slowly lift. Sensing my movement, he grimaces and quickly spins around before hopping inside the truck and slamming the door shut. Starting the ignition, he peels out of the parking lot leaving me there confused.
I almost forget Wes was behind me. Spinning around, I take in his worried eyes. Raking a hand though his disheveled hair, he stares up into the night sky.
“What happened?”
“He just…pisses me off sometimes.” He drags his hand down his face. Where he should be feeling on top of the world right now after winning a game, he looks defeated. “We’ve had a shitty relationship my whole life.” He confesses.
“I get it.” I nod. “Maybe next time hold back on the punching, Rocky.” I make a joke, hoping to lighten his mood. He chuckles while slightly dropping his head.
“Fuck.” He groans with his eyes shut.
Hearing fast footsteps approach us, Josie slides in beside me.
“Jesus Christ, are you okay?” She asks Wes hysterically like he was the one who got hit.
Lifting his head, his eyes trail down the length of my body, noticing the unusual outfit choice. He was used to seeing me in anything baggy or concealing, not...this. Swallowing, he glances between the both of us. “Where are you guys goin’?”
“A party.” Josie answers quickly.
“Nate’s?” He frowns.
“Yeah, him and Travis invited us.” She says happily, but only causes Wes to scowl. “Are you going?”
“I wasn’t planning on it, but after that, I need some alcohol.” He forces out a laugh.
Out of his football uniform, he looks fresh, dressed in a pair of jeans and black Nike tee, with a gold chain around his neck.
“You can ride with us if you want?” Josie invites. My eyes quickly fly to hers, mentally strangling her for asking. Wes can sense the apprehension in my eyes before scratching the top of his head.
“It’s okay, I don’t want to intrude.” He starts to back away from us.
I feel a small amount of relief, until Josie opens her big mouth. “I insist.” She grins. “Showing up with you might ease our anxiety a bit.”
He stops mid-step, eyeing me like he’s making sure it’s okay with me. “Yah... okay.”
There was no escaping him, even if I tried. And by the playful smirk across Josie’s face, she knew exactly what she was doing.