“And… He winked at me. He practically said “Josie, come to my house.” She sighs dreamily, but all I can do is fake gag.
“Josie, come on. I thought I told you, you could do so much better than Nate?” I groan. Something was always off about Nate, he came off as an entitled brat, who with the snap of his finger got whatever he wanted. He was always dressed ready for a country club in his Ralph Polo shirts, and boat shoes but for some reason was placed in public school with punks like me. You’d think mommy and daddy would be generous enough to put him in private school.
“Please….” She’s now begging like I predicted she would. Pulling off her glasses, she gives me her best puppy dog eyes, hoping I’d cave in. Her bottom lip lifts with a frown, as she tilts her head back and forth. “I’ll go without you. But I don’t want to.”
Exhaling, my eyes shut and my shoulders fall in a jerking motion. “Fine, but this is the only game and party I am going to this year.”
She doesn’t hold back as she squeals in excitement. “Yes! Thank you, thank you!” A bright smile lights up her face as she jumps up and down in joy.
“Yah, yah, yah.” I wave my hand as her jumping dies down. Josie’s eyes widened as if she just realized something. Peering down at her flare jeans and basic tee, she groans.
“Before we do anything, I need to go home and change.” She ruffles through her bag pulling out her car keys. “Leave your car here and ride with me.”
“Fine but that doesn’t mean I’m changing my clothes.”
“Sometimes, I don’t even know why I even listen to you.” I grunt, pulling down the black leather skirt that rides up with every step. She somehow managed to weasel her way into my head, and convinced me to change out of my loose sweater and jeans and into a skirt that molds to my ass and a shirt that’s too revealing. Luckily, I had the jean jacket my aunt bought me over the top, , acting as a cover up. Josie begged me to change out of my old chucks and put on sandals, but that was the one thing I wasn’t backing down on.
After riding back to Josie’s house, she was in a state of panic trying to find the perfect ensemble to wear. About twenty outfits later, she finally decided on a flowy sundress with tiny blue flower patterns. It complemented her dark hair that was braided to one side of her head, and her perfect porcelain skin. Once she was satisfied with her outfit, we drove back to school.
Tugging onto my jacket, I pull one side over the other, feeling the interested eyes of onlookers as they take both Josie and I in.
“I should have brought a change of clothes.” I grumble to Josie. I felt uncomfortable to say the least. I wasn’t used to this much attention ever.
She laughs with a grin, clearly enjoying the attention we're getting. “You look hot. Embrace it.” She struts with her chin held high. Her new found confidence was surprising. She put in contacts and looked like a whole different person. Where she wanted the attention and the popularity, I wanted to be invisible to the world.
“I look like a slut.”
“A very hot slut.” She giggles grabbing onto my hand. She pulls me through a sea of people until we reach the stands. My eyes wander over the hundreds of fans that fill the seats and the energy from the crowd is insanely strong.
“How about over there?” Josie points to a somewhat less crowded area at the top.
I nod, ready to get out of the line of vision of these people. Keeping my head down, I follow Josie up the stairs, until I feel the sudden urge to look up. And when I do, my eyes connect with Mr. Fitzgerald.
Sitting alone, he’s still wearing his clothes from today, but his dress shirt is loosened at the top and his hair is a little messier than normal. With his elbows resting on his knees, he’s engrossed in watching the field as the players warm up. With every step closer to him, I silently pray he doesn’t notice me. But when Josie stops at the row below his, his eyes shift over for a moment, landing on me. He seems to do a double take, raking his cold stare down my body, lingering on my legs. Sucking in air, I feel exposed and hot, his eyes weren’t of those looking at a student, but more of as a woman.
“Excuse us.” Josie drags us through the aisle until we plop down onto the seat directly in front of Mr. Fitzgerald.
Out of all the spots on the bleacher, she had to choose this one.
I could sense that his legs were directly behind me, that with any sudden movement, I would feel them brush against my back. It was an unnerving feeling having his eyes burn through me. The loud cheers and chants seemed to fade out as I could only focus on the person behind me.
“Dammit.” Josie snaps, causing my attention to focus on her. “We should have gotten snacks before we came up here.”
“I’ll go get us some.” It comes out quick, knowing this was the perfect opportunity for me to escape, even if it was only for a few minutes.
“You sure? The game is about to start.” She questions staring out onto the field, locking eyes with something.
“Yah.” I nod. “I’ll be quick.” I quickly stand, and wobble through the small aisle until I can hurry down the steps. Finally, feeling able to breathe again, I round the bleachers and head for the concession stand. Ordering popcorn and some drinks, I hold each item in both arms and turn to face the stands when I bump into a solid body.
Popcorn goes everywhere, and my balance is unsteady. Grabbing onto anything in reach, I squeeze onto the forearm of the stranger in front of me and regain my composure. My hand touches skin, rough muscular skin that flexes the moment I press down.
“You okay?” I knew that gruff voice from anywhere and by his tone, he didn’t appear all that concerned that I just almost ate shit.
“I’m fine.” I grunt, immediately dropping my grip on Mr. Fitzgerald, wondering why he’s down here. He stares down at the mess of popcorn, cursing under his breath. “Are you following me?” I ask stupidly, but weirdly thought there was a small possibility he was.
He raises a dark brow amused. “No, Becca.” But the way it came out was as if he was saying “Yes, Becca.” A mixture of sensations tingle down my spine as I gaze up into his dark pools of mystery.