Once all the students are gone, and the door is closed, he speaks up. “Listening in on phone calls would get you killed where I come from.”
What the hell?
My head immediately rises and our eyes connect. “I… I wasn’t...” I mumble, before he stands up out of his chair.
“Spying?” He rounds his desk, and leans his ass against the front of it. Brushing the bangs away from my eyes, I observe the black dress shirt that molds onto his body like a second skin. His sleeves were always rolled up, and being only a few feet away from him, I saw what looked like letters disappearing under his shirt.
“No, of course not. I was just… passing the classroom when you saw me.” I lie, but by his expression, I knew he wasn’t buying it.
He stared at me for what felt like eternities, and once again, I couldn’t shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. It was all too familiar, but when he dropped his eyes, so did the feeling.
“Don’t let those girls mess with you.” He grunts as his students for the next class start coming in.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It comes out snappier than intended and by the glower on his face, he didn’t appreciate it. Pushing himself off the desk, he brushes past me to sit back in his chair.
“I’m neither deaf or blind. I see and hear everything that happens in and outside of this school.”
Gulping, I stand up a little straighter. “I’m fine. I don’t need help from a teacher.”
“I’m not offering you my help.” He bluntly states.
The word asshole is on the tip of my tongue.
“I’m just telling you, you don’t have to put up with their shit.”
Did he just swear? Pretty sure that’s against the rules or something.
“I don’t.” I stand my ground while drowning in the pool of darkness that exudes from him. “If that’s all, I have a chemistry class to get to.”
He watches me for a moment like he has more to say, but with a simple nod of his head, I’m dismissed. Twirling around, I march out of his class and immediately feel like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders.
I hurry to my next class, still feeling the effects of my conversation with Mr. Fitz. It was an indescribable rush that coursed through me, like I was capable of doing anything at that moment.
Fearless, but as the day passed, the feeling soon dissipated. After my last class, I scurried to find Josie who was standing at her locker.
“Hey.” I lean against the locker next to her, while digging in my bag for my car keys.
“Hey.” She answers, quickly snatching her swim bag. “Sorry, I would talk but I’m running late. We have a swim meet today at Jefferson.”
“No biggie, I’ll text you tonight. Good luck.” I smile as she slams her locker closed.
Grinning, she gives me a small wave before sprinting down the hallway. Since Josie’s locker was at the complete opposite end of the front entrance of the school, I exit out of the athletic side that leads you to the football field. Once I’m outside, I notice all the footballs either huddled in a small group talking or tossing a football back and forth. I swiftly make my way towards the parking lot with my head down, trying my best not to get noticed. My attempt at walking by unseen soon backfires.
“Hey, wait up!” A voice shouts from behind me. They were gaining on me quickly as I continued to walk, ignoring them completely. But in a matter of seconds, Wes’s large frame cuts in front of me. Almost bumping into him, he gently places his gloved clad hands on my shoulder to steady me. “You tryin’ to run away from me?” He jokes in a serious tone.
“Actually, yes I am.” I take a huge step back away from him. His puzzled eyes look me over before removing the helmet on his head, revealing his sandy beach hair.
“Why?” He runs a hand through his damp hair while keeping his eyes glued on mine.
Resting my hands on my hip, I scoff. “You seriously don’t know why?”
With his eyebrows drawn together, he appears confused until a small grin pops up like he’s figured it out. “You’re pissed about me getting a job with you.” He states matter of factly.
The smug look on his face was driving me crazy. For someone so good looking, he really knew how to piss me off.
“Duh. If you think just because you got a job where I work means we're gonna be friends. You’re wrong.” I point out.
“You wound me.” He grabs onto his chest like I physically hurt him. “But in all honesty, I was going to look for a job anyway. And I thought, why not work with someone I know?”