The lump in my throat intensifies as I scroll further and further down from the sent emails.
Every single one of them was to Wes.
My heart cracked with every message I discovered. It was a blow to the gut knowing Jack was this wounded by his son. As I scrolled past each email, none of them were responded to.
All were ignored.
I wanted to cry, shout at the screen but really, all I wanted to do was fix their relationship. Make it better than before, but the chance of that happening was slim.
Wes clearly wanted nothing to do with him, and it was all my fault.
As I sat there on the verge of tears, the sound of the front door opening startled me and I instantly closed out all the tabs.
“Becca?” Jack’s voice rang through the apartment causing me to sit up a little straighter and act normal.
Like I didn’t just come across a mass amount of emails sent to Wes.
“In here.” I speak up and click on the youtube icon and pretend to be searching something.
His footsteps get louder then finally stop at the edge of our room.
“Why are you sitting in the dark?” He asks worriedly as he flips the light switch on.
Spinning in the chair, my eyes fly to his now short hair that I swear I’ll never get used to. It’s only been a few days since the drastic change, but it looks just as good short as it did long.
“I work better in the dark.” I shrug, as he immediately knows something is off with me.
Pushing off the door frame, he saunters over to the bed with his intense eyes still focused on me. Taking a seat on the edge, he leans forward resting his arms on his knees and all his attention is solely focused on me.
“How was school?” He glances around me at my screen before returning his gaze to mine.
“It was fine, nothing exciting.” I nod, trying my hardest not to break in front of him. My eyes trail down the long scruff that covers his chin and dip down to the bulge in his arms.
Everything about Jack was enticing. Just looking at him made me forget all my worries.
“Quit lookin’ at me like that O’Connor.” He growls but his tone is anxious and the lust in his eyes is evident. “What’s wrong?” His eyebrows dip in concern.
I should be the one asking him what’s wrong.
“Nothing.” I lie shaking my head. “I just missed you is all.” I rise out of the chair and go to straddle his waist.
He quickly places his hands on my hips, halting my movement. Peering up into my eyes, he searches diligently for something. His lips form a straight line as his grip on my hips tighten.
“Are you lying?” He concentrates on me hard, never moving his eyes from mine.
Swallowing, I try not to give myself away and move my legs to staddle around him.
This time he lets me.
My knees rest on each side of him as his hands latch onto my ass.
“No.” I circle my arms around his neck, missing his long hair that I once was able to tug on.
He looks at me like he doesn’t believe me, still searching my eyes for the truth. Finally giving in, he grins slightly and peers down at my lips.
“I missed you more.” He kneads the flesh on my ass, causing me to groan in pleasure. “I missed this ass too.”
Smiling, I lean down and hover my mouth over his.