Page 91 of Bad Kind of Love



How could I have let this happen?

One stupid mistake and now Wes knew everything.

What did I expect though? Eventually he would have found out, but this wasn’t how I imagined it.

Raking a hand through my matted hair, I pace in circles and replaying his words in my head.

You’re dead to me.

“Fuck.” I cry out, tugging at the strands, hoping the pain would relieve what I felt on the inside.

“Becca, look at me.” Jack reached for me, but I instantly recoiled from his touch. The hurt was evident across his face, but right now, I felt like the shittiest person in the world.

“He hates me, Jack.” I sob, as the guilt began to suffocate me. Clawing at my neck I gasped for breath, but the hurt was too much to bear.

He reached for me again and this time, I let him pull me towards his body. Wrapping me in his arms, he squeezes tight, letting me cry into his shirt as my world felt like it was falling apart.

“I need to find him.” I peer into his eyes, but he responds by shaking his head.

“The last thing he wants to see is us right now. Give him some space.”

But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t just sit here while I knew he was out there hurting.

“I can’t… I can’t do that.” I push out of his arms as he reluctantly lets me go. “I broke his heart, Jack.”

His head slightly drops and a strange look crosses his face.

“You love him.”

It wasn’t a question. It was a statement he was making as he watched me with serious eyes.

“I…I…” I wanted to say no, that I wasn’t in love with Wes, but I’d be lying to myself and him. But right now, my feelings didn’t matter. What mattered was finding Wes. “I can’t do this right now.” I shake my head. “I have to find him.”

Running off into the night, I hear Jack close behind me, gaining on me quickly.

“God dammit, Becca, wait.” Jack catches my arm, and our eyes collide, crashing into one another in an atomic bomb of emotions.

“No.” I rip my arm out. “You may not care that you’re dead to him but I do.” I snarl, and dart down the sidewalk.


I’ve tried calling Wes a million times, but of course I got no answer. I knew he wouldn’t be at home so my other options were either at a friend’s house or any place that was open this late at night.

As I walk mindlessly down the sidewalk, I scroll through Facebook in hopes of finding anything that would lead me to him. When I notice a post about a party, I quickly click on it and find directions to Vicky’s house.

My gut instinct told me he’d be there.

About thirty minutes later, I was covered in sweat as I climbed the front porch of Vicky’s house. Music blared as I entered the large home, as curious eyes landed on me.

The one thing on my mind was finding Wes, and I wouldn’t stop until I found him. Brushing past a group of people, I searched for him everywhere. Inside, outside, but I had no luck.

“Never seen you here before.” A masculine voice purrs as they slide up beside me. His pungent breath stings my nostrils and I feel the sudden need to puke.

“Not interested.” I growl, pushing past him until my feet come to an abrupt stop.