Page 40 of Bad Kind of Love

I quickly avert my attention back to stacking the chairs. “You almost done cleaning that thing?” I question, returning to my old reserved self. Even though my heart was still pounding and my legs were still shaky, I pushed aside Wes’s lewd stares.

“Yah.” He chuckles, noticing my change of tone. “Wanna come check it out? Make sure it’s up to your standards?”

Stacking the last chair, I make my way behind the counter and watch as Wes takes a step back from the freezer. The first thing I notice is an obvious glob of chocolate resting on the surface. “You missed that…” I begin to say until Wes startles me by thrusting his body forward and dragging his finger through the chocolate.

“Chocolate?” He finishes my sentence before swiping my cheek with the sticky liquid.

“What the hell, Wes!” I shout, while he’s grinning down at me with an entertained face.

“You got a little something there.” He reaches his finger out, but I immediately swat at it.

If he wants to play, fine.

Spinning around, I find the nearest thing and grab onto a bottle of caramel sauce. As I whip around to face him, he instantly notices the bottle in my hand and throws his hands up in defense.

“Becca…” He says as a warning but laughter still escapes from his mouth.

I squeeze down hard onto the bottle and caramel goes everywhere. All down his face, shirt and jeans. And I don’t stop until he is covered head to toe.

“Oops.” I observe my handiwork, proud to see the look of anger across his features. With the bottle still in my hands, he acts as if he’s about to charge me but I raise the bottle again. “Don’t even think about it, Fitzgerald. You might win at some things, but tonight, I’m the winner.”

His tongue darts out to lick some caramel that's hanging off his bottom lip. “That’s where you’re wrong, O’Connor.” He taunts. “I always win.”

He takes a heavy step forward, and I douse him again. But that only seems to provoke him even more. Within seconds he’s on me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist, smearing all the caramel on him, now onto me. His quick hands make a grab for the bottle and I’m now left defenseless.

“I told you I always win.” He breathes down my neck, as I try to push out of his hold. Tightening his grip, I can feel every ripple and muscle of his flexing body against mine. I couldn’t give a crap about the caramel right now, Wes was making it his mission to distract me.

And it was working.

“Let go.” I groan, making a huge mistake by peering up into his aqua eyes. My body stills, but my nails continue to dig deeper into the skin on his arms. He doesn’t flinch or seem bothered by the fact I’m about to draw blood. His eyes drop down to my lips for a second and I slowly start to panic because I know what he wants to do.

And a part of me wants it too.

“You got me.” I admit, dropping my gaze to his chest. He immediately drops his arms from around me like I’m on fire and takes a large step back.

He looks embarrassed, maybe even a bit hurt from my rejection but he still manages to put a smile on his face. “Looks like we have more to clean now.” He motions toward the caramel splatters on the floor and counters.

“I’ll get you a mop.” I sass before spinning around with a wide grin.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having him here after all.