Page 24 of Bad Kind of Love



Westwood fucking High.

A school I was dreading to start at until I ran into a blonde-haired beauty with a sharp tongue. My dad and I moved to Logansport for a fresh new start, where he was offered a new job, and I was going to be the new starting quarterback for the Knights. An undefeated team that was scouted by only the best of the best D1 Colleges, and I planned on getting a scholarship so I could get the fuck out of here. I guess that was the one silver lining for starting at a new school senior year.

After my first run in with Becca, I sensed she didn’t like me after I spilled my water all down her white shirt. But now, I’m positive she doesn’t. Our second run in wasn’t much better, I showed up at her work trying to defend her honor after Vicky dumped her ice cream all over the clean floor, but apparently, she didn’t like that. And I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she disliked me so much, so I did what most guys would do in my position and I got a job at her workplace.

We’d be working every weekend together.

All day.


Maybe then I’d figure out why she loathed me so much.

Dressed in my hot ass football uniform, I sluggishly passed the ball over to number fifty-two. I was still figuring out names.

“Think coach will let us skip practice today?” Someone groaned next to me.

“Yah, maybe if you blow him. Heard he has a thing for pussies.” Travis smacked his helmet, causing everyone to laugh around him.

“Fuck off, Travis. It’s hot as shit out here.”

He wasn’t lying. With the sun beating down right on us and no breeze to cool us down, it was going to be a miserable practice.

My eyes wavered over to the building when I saw a flash of blonde hair. Landing on the headphones around her neck, I knew it was Becca.

“Hey, I’ll be right back.” I announce to no one in particular as I begin jogging towards her. When she realizes someone is following her, she speeds up.

“Hey, wait up!” I shout, trying to get her attention. Okay, now she knows it’s me and she’s still running. Picking up my pace, I quickly run in front of her, almost causing her to crash into me again. I gently grab onto her shoulder to stable her. “You tryin’ to run away from me?” I joke, peering down at her small frame.

“Actually, yes I am.” She steps back creating space between us. Her bluntness causes me to hold back a smile. For such a small thing, she sure did have an attitude.

Removing my helmet, I brush a hand through my sweaty hair, noticing Becca watch my movement closely. Maybe she wasn’t all that immune to me after all. “Why?” I manage to say with a straight face.

Her hands fly to her hips as she glowers at me. “You seriously don’t know why?”

My eyebrows knit together in confusion when in reality I knew exactly why. Finally, I grin. “You’re pissed about me getting a job with you.”

“Duh, if you think just because you got a job where I work means we're gonna be friends. You’re wrong.”

I hear her words, but my eyes are too busy taking her in to concentrate. She dressed different than most girls I knew, dark clothing that had a certain edge to them, and her headphones that were practically glued to her skin. It wasn’t what I was used to, but I was beginning to like it.

“You wound me.” I grab onto my chest playfully. “But in all honesty, I was going to look for a job anyway. And I thought, why not work with someone I know.” It wasn’t a total lie.

“Wes, you don’t know me. You don’t know the first thing about me.” She shakes her head causing her bangs to land in front of her eyes.

If she only knew just how much I wanted to get to know her.

“Then let me get to know you.” I take a step towards her and I’m surprised when she doesn’t move away. But her eyes do seem to bulge out.

“What? No. Are you even listening to anything I’m saying?” She shouts clearly flustered.

I stare down at her for a moment, when I realize this isn’t going to be easy. She’s a tough nut to crack, stubborn and headstrong but little does she know I’m the king of nutcrackers. “If you don’t want work to suck any less than it already does, let's make a compromise.”

“What do you mean?” She lifts a brow intrigued.