Page 32 of Lost Mate

“What do you feel?”

“Home,” Dylan said. “I feel like I’m home. Except at the ranch house.”

Ross snorted. “You mean Eli.”

“Yeah,” Dylan admitted. “But Peter is right. The power coming from the land is unreal. I felt it as we ran. The land is happy the pack is here. It’s woken up. More shifters will move here to join the pack.”

“I’m not sure Joe and Cal will be happy about that.”

“They won’t have a choice. Places of power always have large packs.”

Ross bit his lip. “I think Niles is waiting for his mate.”

“What makes you say that?”

“He’s a city boy, yet he’s here on an isolated farm in the middle of Texas. And he kept talking about his mate.”

Dylan chuckled. “Oh yeah, he’s waiting. But he’s not gay, is he?”

“Not gay or bi as far as I know. But we need a breeding pair.”

“Did you tell him that?”

“I did.” Ross grinned. “He wasn’t impressed. He’s convinced his mate is going to be a human. Then I pointed out he’d said she was a mate, not a girlfriend or another human term.”

“What did he say to that?”

“That we were wolf obsessed, then you walked in and scared him with the nakedness.”

“He’s going to lose his shit when he realizes his female wolf gets naked too. Wolves don’t care who sees them.”

Ross grimaced, not sure he liked that idea.

Dylan burst out laughing. “You should see your face. We’re shifters. Males and females run, hunt, and sleep together.”

“I guess I didn’t appreciate that,” Ross admitted. “I’m not that familiar with women.”

“You always knew you were gay, huh?”

“I did. I had amazing parents who didn’t care when I came home saying I had a crush on the football captain. I was only ten.”

“What did they say?”

“That’s nice, dear. More mac ‘n cheese?” Ross smiled ruefully. “I didn’t realize how lucky I was until I was older, and my friends were kicked out for being gay.”

“You were lucky they were so relaxed.”

“Yours weren’t?”

Dylan paused as he thought about it. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

“We’ll find out,” Ross promised.

“I heard enough horror stories from other guys. Wait, I don’t remember that. I just feel it.”

Ross nodded. “Your memories should be locked up in there. We’ve just got to find the key. I did some research while you were out. As long as your brain is intact, the memories should return gradually.”

“Let’s hope the doc gives me good news.” Dylan ran his hand down Ross’s bicep. “I thought you would be the football captain.”