“Frustrated,” Ross admitted.
“Nothing from the hospitals around San Antonio?”
“Not so far.”
Niles grinned. “Intel is 99% boring and 1% exciting. You’ll be making calls and studying CCTV for days.”
“Thanks.” Ross sighed. There was a reason he was a bodyguard, not a tech guy.
“You’re welcome.” Niles jogged up the stoop. “Show me how far you’ve gotten.”
Ross opened the door. “Coffee?”
Niles sighed as he entered the office. “Yeah. If I have to drink one more iced tea, I’ll turn into a cowboy, yell yeehaw and lasso Eli.”
“I can’t wait for you to say that to Joe Senior’s face.”
Niles turned to look at him. “I’m not suicidal. That wolf could tear me limb from limb.”
“You can feel the power from him?” Ross was surprised. Non-pack humans couldn’t usually feel a shifter’s power.
“It’s impossible not to, he’s so strong, and his mate is stronger.”
“I’m surprised the hunters haven’t come after them,” Ross admitted.
“We’ve been keeping them on the downlow. If word gets out about their power…” Niles huffed. “I don’t think we can keep them safe.”
“It’s not like you to admit defeat,” Ross said as he headed to the coffee pot. Niles was usually insanely cheerful about their prospects whereas Eli was the opposite.
“Not defeat, just being realistic. I feel the danger coming toward us. You’re going to laugh at me.” Niles bit his lip.
Ross furrowed his brow. It wasn’t like his boss to be so uncertain. He made the coffee just how Niles liked it and handed it over. “Like a wave of doom rolling toward us?”
Niles’s expression cleared. “You mean you feel it too?”
“Something like it. I’ve just not been able to put it into words before.”
“Before or after Anderson arrived?”
Ross scowled at him. “Before.”
Niles gave him a steady look. “Don’t get upset with me. I had to ask.”
“I guess you did. But it has nothing to do with my mate. I felt it when Peter turned Joe Senior.”
“You think he’s a traitor?”
Ross gave him a steady look. “I know you haven’t been here for more than a hot minute, but do you really think I’d put my friends, pack, and co-workers in danger by keeping my mouth shut if I thought for one moment Peter and/or Joe Senior were a danger to us?”
Niles shrugged. “I repeat, I had to ask.”
“Are you questioning my loyalties?”
“Yes,” Niles admitted. “And I’d do it again without thinking. This is your pack, the Cavalry is mine, and nothing and no one is going to destroy it.”
“Try having two packs,” Ross muttered. “Then you’ll realize how complicated it is.”
Niles gave a rueful chuckle. “What do you think Eli talks about all the time?”