Page 26 of Lost Mate

“Zeke told me,” he received by way of greeting. “Cal wants in. He’s on his way over in wolf form.”

Ross grinned. Cal would take any excuse to go wolfy.

“I should tell Owen and Dylan.”

“Zeke messaged Owen.”

“And the older pair and Milo?”

“They’re hunting tonight. Milo’s working today but another time? It’s the full moon soon. Eli’s insisting Milo gets as much chance as possible to shift. He’s had too many years hiding himself.”

“Eli is?” Ross said dubiously.

“I know, I can’t believe it myself. You know how he’s all ‘I’m the alpha human’. But he’d do anything for Milo. He’s gotten men guarding the perimeter now so you can let them run free.”

In other words, don’t follow them. Ross grunted and disconnected the call. He received a message a second later.

We all know how you feel.

Ross sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He knew that, he did, but this was his mate and he’d waited so long for him.

The click of nails distracted him, and two wolves appeared at the top of the stoop, one a darker gray than the other. The lighter one trotted down the steps, over to him and nuzzled him. Ross buried his fingers in the deep, warm fur, needing the connection between them. It calmed him and he breathed out, releasing a knot of tension in his chest.

“You need to wait for Cal,” he said to Owen.

The wolf huffed, so human in its disgust it made Ross chuckle.

Then another gray wolf appeared between two of the barns. The wolves turned, ready to fight, until they realized it was Cal.

“Your playmate’s arrived,” Ross said. “Have fun, boys. Remember to check in.”

Dylan nuzzled against him once more, hopefully that meant he agreed. Then he left to join the others.

Ross watched them go wistfully. It would be fun to run alongside them. He’d never realized how limiting the human form was until he watched wolves racing across the land. He sighed and headed into the office. There was no point sitting around feeling sorry for himself. It would be hours before they returned.

He sat in the office and stared at the empty whiteboard, thinking it was a good representation of Dylan at the moment. It was up to him to fill in the pieces of his mate’s life.

Ross made a call.


“Boss, where was Dylan when he went dark?”

“Near San Antonio.”

“Can you be more specific?”


Ross gritted his teeth. He knew why Eli couldn’t be more precise, but it was damned irritating. “I’ll start with the hospitals around there.”

“You lost your helpers?” Eli sounded amused.

“You know I did. But Dylan needs this time. And you don’t mind Dylan being with the Alpha’s omega?” Ross challenged.

“If I tell you someone is watching them, are you going to get pissy?”

“Yes,” Ross flared. Then he sighed. “No. I’d do the same.”