We pull up to the compound, and after the security check, instead of going to my home, I head straight to the main house. The door opens, and the housekeeper smiles warmly at me.
“Welcome home, Mr. Baranov,” Juliana says.
“Juliana, how many times do I have to say, it's Dimitri.”
She gives me a soft smile and a demure dip of her head, but I know that the next time she addresses me she will call me Mr. Baranov.
“Your father is in the study,” she says. Her eyes flicker past me and glance interestedly at Adriana.
“Is my mother here?”
“Yes, she is in the kitchen with Nataliya. They are baking.”
I do an exaggerated double take. “Nataliya is baking?”
Juliana lets out a small gurgle of laughter and then slams her mouth shut as if she's just committed a crime.
My stepsister is the worst cook I've ever come across. We used to dread the day of the week when she would bring home whatever concoction she had created in class during her cookery lessons. We had to endure some absolutely dreadful meals on those days. Worst of all, we all pretended it was great food because we didn't want to hurt her feelings, and that just made her more keen to keep bringing these offerings home.
“She's become much more interested in it these last few weeks,” Juliana says. “I think it might be something to do with a boy.”
“God help him if that's the case,” I say drolly.
“Would you like a drink?”
“Not for me, thank you, Juliana. I'll take a drink with my father in the study. Adriana?”
“Tea please,” Adriana says.
“Do you like milk or sugar?”
“Just black is perfect; thank you.”
I guide Adriana into the kitchen with my hand on the small of her back, and then pull it away as if I've been burned. I can't keep touching her as if she's mine. I can't keep acting as if we're in a relationship. That's not what this is.
My mother looks up from the bowl in front of her, elbow deep in flour. A huge smile splits her warm face. “Dimitri!” she exclaims. “What a delight.”
“Bro,” Nataliya says with a lot less enthusiasm.
I don't take it personally. I'm still Nataliya’s larger than life hero big brother, but she's knee-deep in boy related moodiness it seems at the moment.
They both look beyond me, and their eyes widen at the same time. It's almost comical to witness. It's no surprise that they look so shocked. “Mom, Nataliya, this is Adriana.”
My mother pulls her arms from the mixing bowl and wipes them hastily on a tea towel before coming over and extending her hand. She shakes Adriana’s hand warmly and then pulls her in for a quick hug. “Nice to meet you,” she says.
“You too,” Adriana replies.
Juliana arrives with Adriana’s tea, and she's pulled into the kitchen and the realm of the women. I take the opportunity to slip away. Adriana will be fine with my mother and Nataliya. They will realize who she is. Jacob doesn't keep many secrets from my mother.
I reach the study and knock on the door, then step inside. Jacob isn't alone. Virgil is sitting in a chair in front of the desk, smoking a cigar. “Son, this is a nice surprise,” Jacob says. He steps around the desk and claps me on the shoulder. “Scotch?”
I nod and take the drink he pours for me, even though it's early in the day. Frankly, I need it.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Jacob sits down and sips his drink.
“I found something out about the girl. The one I'm keeping on the yacht.”
“You mean the one who isn't Dorian’s girlfriend?” Virgil says. “I thought the whole point was to make sure we kept some of Dorian’s women for show. Why keep her if she's not his girlfriend?”