Page 65 of Sultry Nights

His heart beat rapidly, and he inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. He looked at the clerk he'd snapped at and said, "I apologize. I shouldn't have lost my temper."

She smiled sweetly. "Thank you. I understand your worry and frustration. I often think it’s worse up here checking in than anything that goes on back there."

He nodded. "Thank you for understanding." He glanced at Jared and cocked his head. "Let's go sit with Hanna."


Hanna watched the doctor work on her wrists, cleaning them out and making sure the zip ties didn't shred or pieces weren't embedded into her skin. A nurse stood nearby, her name tag said Monique, typing into a computer when the doctor said anything.

She winced a few times as the doctor pulled gently on her wounds or touched a sore spot. At least sorer than the others. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, her wrists were tender. She saw Quinn's jaw tighten when she winced. It made her heart swell that he cared so much. He'd sent Jared to the job site to explain what happened and to be there and oversee the work being done. Jared seemed relieved not to have to sit here. He smiled at her before he left and quietly said, "I'm glad you're alright, Hanna."

She smiled in return. "Thanks to you and your dad."

His cheeks reddened, and she thought it was cute. Someday she'd have to ask Quinn to see a picture of him at twenty-five years of age. She'd bet he looked remarkably like Jared looked right now.

As soon as Jared left, her parents came bustling into the room. "Oh my God. Oh, praise the Lord my baby is alright." Her mom wailed.

The doctor stepped back a moment. "You all go ahead and have your greeting, then I'll finish."

Her mom hugged her. Then her dad slowly approached. His eyes glistened with unshed tears and his cheeks were red. He slowly leaned down and hugged her. "I'm so happy you're still with us Hanna. I love you so much it hurts, and I couldn't bear it if you weren't in my life anymore."

"I love you too, Daddy. So much."

He stepped back and sniffed. He pulled a hanky from his pocket and swiped his nose, refolding his hanky and tucking it into his back pocket. He moved over to Quinn, who stood and hugged her dad. He then asked him to sit in the seat he'd just vacated. Tears welled in her eyes, witnessing it all.

The doctor stepped forward once more. "May I continue?"

She mustered a smile. "Yes. Please."

Her mom dutifully sat in the second chair in the room but craned her neck to see everything the doctor did. He shined an ultraviolet light on her wounds. "This will show me any pieces of plastic that may have broken off."

Hanna nodded and watched as he slowly moved the light around her wrist. He found one small piece and used a tweezer to remove it, which pinched slightly. She winced and pinched her lips together. Maybe she shouldn't watch what he did.

As soon as he was confident he'd gotten everything out, he stood. "Monique will clean you up, apply antibacterial ointment, and wrap your wrists. I'd like to see you in my office in three or four days, as the swelling goes down, to make sure I didn't miss anything. Right now, you're swollen and that could be hiding some minute threads of plastic."

"Thank you," she offered. He nodded to her parents and shook Quinn's hand. He exited the room and Monique efficiently slid a tray on wheels next to her bed, sat on the stool the doctor just vacated, and gently began dabbing at the dried blood on her wrists.

"How's your headache, Hanna?" Monique inquired.

"It's better, thank you."

"Whatever they used to render you unconscious is what gave you the headache. You don't have any lumps on your head. We only gave you something for that. If it comes back, take something you're used to taking for headaches. But hopefully, once you've eaten and rested, you'll be fine."

Just as Monique mentioned food, her stomach growled. She hadn't even thought about being hungry.

Quinn chuckled.

"I guess I'm a little hungry. What time is it?"

He leaned forward. "It's six-thirty."

"Oh no! We were supposed to have dinner with Sid and Grace."

He nodded. "They understand you’re indisposed and we're to call them when you're up to it. And they're getting married in two weeks. So, hopefully we'll get to dine with them before then, but if not, when they get home from their honeymoon."

"I'm fine other than having two new bracelets." She held up the wrist Monique had finished bandaging and Quinn's lips tightened slightly, but he tried smiling.

"When you're ready, you just let me know and we'll see what their schedule is like."