Page 52 of Sultry Nights

"I'm surprised your parents didn't mention it. They targeted several businesses in town. Everyone was on high alert."

"How did you get rid of them?"

He turned his chair toward her and pulled her down on his lap. She wrapped her right arm around his shoulders and settled in. She liked sitting on his lap. The aroma of his aftershave surrounded her and the warmth of being pressed to him was comforting. She felt secure.

"Grace read up on the municipal code of conduct. She then wrote an amendment to the code of conduct to allow police to restrict troublemakers from creating havoc. Before that, until they actually broke a law, and the police had evidence, not much could be done. To get the emergency meeting, she needed enough signatures on a petition to ask for the meeting. Jace held a concert at the Sandbar, Hart & the Hurricanes played, and we asked everyone present to sign the petition for the emergency meeting. It was beautiful."

"Wow. That's fantastic. I can't wait to meet Grace."

He nodded and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "I think we should call them and ask them to join us for dinner tomorrow. They're planning their wedding, so perhaps a break will be nice. Wanna be my date?"

She chuckled. "Sure. That will be our first big coming-out date. Jaws will be wagging."

He laughed and pulled her closer. "I can't wait."

She leaned in and kissed his lips. Softly. His were instantly eager for more and their kiss deepened quickly. His arms tightened around her and she enjoyed the feeling.

She pulled back. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Of course.”

She took a deep breath. “Tisha said she stayed home and raised the kids, and then her ex-husband, who I now know is you, threw her out like garbage. Would you tell me why you two divorced?”

He sat back and stared into her eyes. His smile came easily, and he seemed rather happy to share his side of the story.

“Tisha and I divorced because she is never happy. Every time the house is remodeled, she wants it done again. Every time one of her friends adds a new piece of furniture, Tisha has to have better. It has been going on for years. The last ten years of our marriage were not a happy time. We argued. We fought. She threatened divorce or public disgrace or you-name-it. She was going to do it unless she got her way. I finally got to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I packed up, moved out, and filed for divorce. And as per her usual, she didn’t make that easy either.”

Hanna nodded. “Thank you for sharing that with me. It isn’t how she made it sound.”

“I don’t doubt it at all. And for the record, her father is a businessman and she could easily work for him. She doesn’t want to work because it won’t look good to her friends, who do not work.”

Hanna looked into his eyes. She smiled softly, then lay her hand against his cheek. “I’m sorry for bringing it up. I just wanted to make sure. You know, after my experience…”

He turned his head and kissed her hand then faced her. “I understand.”

His hand slid under her blouse and found her breasts. He enjoyed squeezing and massaging first one, then the other. He lifted her bra and the feel of his work-roughened hand on her tender breasts was exciting. He played with her breasts, squeezing and fondling her until she wanted to rip off his clothes and feel all of his skin. She was so turned on just by his touch. His kisses were magnificent. His lips felt incredible against hers.

His hand left her breasts and slid under her knees. He quickly stood, cradling her in his arms, and without a word he carried her to the living room, through the kitchen, and out a back door.

In the Florida room, there were windows looking out over his property, a comfortable sectional sofa, and a fireplace, which honestly was not needed tonight. He set her on her feet, flipped a switch to turn on the ceiling fan then came back to her.

His fingers slowly began to unbutton her blouse, but she covered her hands with his. "Won't someone see us?"

He grinned, then spun her around and stood closely behind her. So close, in fact, she could feel the rigidness of his cock pressed into her butt.

He dipped his head down so his lips were close to her ear. He licked the shell of her ear first, then softly said, "What do you see out there?"

Her eyes focused out the windows at a field. "I see a wooden fence painted black, and a small garden with tomato plants and squash. Beyond the fence, I see a couple of horses grazing in another field."

"Do you think the horses are going to watch us make love?"

She chuckled. "No."

His lips kissed down her jaw and along her neck to her shoulder. He repeated his soft kisses, and she closed her eyes to absorb the sensual feel of him.

Thunder rolled across the sky, a bolt of lightning lit the room briefly, and rain began to fall outside. It added something to the moment. The thickening air created a sultry ambiance in the room.

Once his lips met her ear, he whispered softly, "I want you so bad, Hanna. I crave you."