He chuckled, "Yep they sure are hard workers. It's seven o'clock at night and here they are still putting in a long day."
"That's really nice. You're fortunate to find people like that."
"That I am."
They exited the truck, and he took her hand as they navigated the beach area toward the back of the Sandbar. He waved as one of the guys stopped and looked at him. He waved in return and turned them toward the hostess podium near the back door. "There are two of us, and we'd like to sit out on the beach if possible."
"Oh, sure Quinn." She checked her chart. "Let's see..." She frowned slightly. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but all I have available right now is in front of the stage. I'm guessing that there'll be a day when that is a very popular seat, but right now, with the construction going on, it's not so popular.”
Quinn chuckled and glanced at Hanna. Her smile and nod were all he needed. "Since it's my guys up there, I'm happy to sit in front of the stage.
Hanna chuckled. "I could watch people work all day."
They both laughed. His spirits were so high his heart hammered in his chest. My goodness, she was a catch.
Hanna sat as Quinn pulled out her chair. He helped her scoot her chair in since it wasn’t that easy on the sand. But the weather was warm and beautiful. The water lapping on the shore of the beach was serene music.
And she was sitting across the table from the most handsome man she had seen in…what was it? Forever.
He was handsome.
His dark hair and beautiful dark eyes made it difficult for her to look away.
His skin was tanned from being out in the sun, which she knew wasn't necessarily healthy for a person. But he sure wore it well.
And when he kissed her, man, her knees shook. She hadn't been kissed like that in... well, that was also forever.
Isaac wasn't much of a kisser. His pinched little lips pecking at her all the time, not wanting to really melt their lips together. That should have been a sign to her that he wasn't necessarily into her as much as he was into looking for a sugar mama to take care of everything he needed.
And she was just that idiot, too.
There were so many periods of time when he didn't work. And she was out working every day trying to make a living to pay their bills.
Here, all this time, he was just looking for a way to scam other people.
She fisted her hands together and released them when Quinn leaned forward. She shouldn't be thinking about Isaac right now. She had a wonderful man sitting across from her. At least she hoped he was a wonderful man. But she was willing to give him a chance. After all, nobody could be worse than Isaac.
Quinn grinned. "You look like you're a million miles away."
She blinked and let out a breath. "I'm sorry. I just kind of had a miserable day. But it's better now."
He cocked his head to the side. His full lips turned down at the corners slightly. "Do you want to talk about it?"
She smiled. "No. No, not only do I not want to talk about it, but I want to stop thinking about it. Just some things kind of hang on for a while."
He nodded. "Oh, I know exactly what you mean. My day was full of mixed emotions, too. Happy, sad, happy, sad."
She cocked her head to the side. "Do you want to talk about it?"
He leaned back and laughed. "No. No, I don't. But in all fairness of sharing and all. My ex is taking me back to court for more money."
Her lips stretched down into a frown. “I’m sorry.”
He reached over and took her hand in his. "I'm sitting here with a beautiful woman and I want us to get to know each other and not talk about our terrible days. I only said anything at all, because I wanted you to know that my life isn’t perfect either."
She nodded. "I’m sorry for that, but…Deal."