Page 37 of Sultry Nights

She smiled softly. "I'm not shedding a tear over him at all. I'm shedding a tear at what a beautiful man you are. So understanding. And I can't tell you how relieved I am to get this off my chest because I hated hiding it from you. I felt like a fraud. And I don't want to feel like a fraud with you, Quinn."

He kissed her a few more times. Rolled her over. And inserted himself into her.

The moan that escaped her throat as he did was his new favorite sound. His lips kissed her forehead. And her temples. As he slowly slid in and out of her, his heart swelled.

Her hands slid down his back and to his ass and squeezed. He liked that. His ass tightened as he pushed into her and her fingers tightened on his skin. He lifted slightly to look into her eyes, and he wasn't disappointed. She stared at him, her lips slightly parted and glossy from his kisses.

"You're sexy, Hanna."

Her lips lifted at the corners slightly.

His skin heated as he worked to bring her pleasure. He wanted to watch her as she came. Adding pressure each time he fully entered her, he heard that moan, and each time it grew louder. He pushed in fully and her lips opened and she called out his name. "Quinn."

Then she tumbled over the edge of pleasure and he hurried to meet her there.


Wednesday morning Quinn hurried into Margo Price's office to sign the papers. As he signed his last signature to the final paper, which looked to be the size of a small mountain, he grinned.

Margo clapped her hands once. "Congratulations, Quinn."

She reached across the table to shake his hand, and his smile grew.

"Thank you. Now, I'm off to work."

Margo laughed. "I can't wait to see what you do with the place."

He sauntered out of the office, a folder full of copies of his signed paperwork tucked under his arm, a huge smile on his face, and excitement coursing through him.

He pulled out his phone and texted Hanna. "It's mine."

"Congratulations. Want to celebrate tonight?"

"I sure do. I'll call you later."

He drove to his office just as Jared arrived.

"Hey there. Let's have a little chat."


Jared followed him into his office with a fresh cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee in his hands. Quinn grinned as he watched his son devour the cinnamon roll. "There will come a day when you won't be able to devour those cinnamon rolls like you do now."

Jared chewed a bit, then mumbled with a mouthful of food. "I sure hope not."

Quinn chuckled. "Anyway, I signed the papers this morning and the barracks are mine. I'd like you to take the lead on this project."

"Really? That's awesome, Dad."

"I think you're ready, and I want to give you the opportunity. Besides, you'll need to work those cinnamon rolls off."

Jared laughed, took a drink from his coffee cup, and shrugged. "Jealous."

"Maybe." Quinn chuckled. "Anyway, take a crew to the barracks and begin with cleaning up the place. I've ordered the dumpsters to be delivered this morning. Leave Sam and Brian to finish the stage at Jace's. They can join you once that's finished. I have an interview with a potential new hire later this morning. Anyway, begin the demo after cleanup. We're starting with building one, and I'll be around with the architect later this morning to go over all of his plans with you."

Jared chuckled. "Seems as though you're pretty excited about this."

"I'm very excited."