Both men's cheeks were tinted pink. And she had noticed that always seemed to be the norm with former military. While they were proud of their service, they sometimes were a little embarrassed to have that service acknowledged.
She leaned forward, held her hand out, and shook their hand. "Thank you for your service." She said to both of them.
They both nodded, their eyes sliding towards Quinn's every now and then. She thought it was cute.
And she could tell the respect they had for Quinn, which she thought was a testament to what kind of man he was.
Life was looking up!
Quinn drove Hanna back to the bakery. He got out of the truck and walked her to the back door.
She unlocked it and let them both in. "Can I make you some coffee? Cinnamon roll? I have a couple left in the bakery case."
He chuckled and patted his tummy. "I think I've had enough to eat. As delicious as they are, I don't think I could eat a cinnamon roll. I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee though if you're serious."
She chuckled. "I'm absolutely serious. Let me go out front and get it."
He followed her out to the front of the bakery and watched as she deftly made another pot of coffee.
"How many of those do you make a day?"
She laughed. "I don't know. Some days fifteen, some days twenty, I don't know. I lose count."
"You sure do look like it's done by memory. It looks effortless."
She laughed. "Yep, that would be from days and days and weeks of making pots of coffee."
She set the empty coffee pot under the burner, turned the coffee maker on, and then turned to face him. They stared at each other for a long time.
Quinn's heartbeat was erratic. His lips remembered the feel of her lips from earlier and his body responded to her in different ways. He stepped toward her and was pleased to see that she took steps toward him as well. The instant they stood in front of each other he reached forward, wrapped his arms around her, and looked into her eyes.
He whispered, "Hanna you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
He heard her exhale and took the opportunity to touch his lips to hers once again. This time, their kiss was more urgent. Their lips moved in unison with each other. His tongue swiped along her lips, and she opened her mouth to let him in. That was just about the undoing of him. He deepened their kiss. His right-hand dove into the back of her hair. It was soft and silky. She smelled fantastic. Like citrus and baked goods and all things wonderful, and she felt even better. Her arms wrapped around his waist. Her hands slid up his back as they had done earlier, and this time she pulled him closer to her. Their kisses became urgent. His body was on fire. His cock roared to life, and he wasn't sure where to go from here. He knew where he wanted to go but they were in a bakery. There wasn't a bed to be seen, and he didn't know where she lived. She'd kept that kind of quiet.
He slowly kissed down the side of her neck. The soft little moan that she emitted urged him on further. His left hand slid between them and he gently squeezed her breasts. They were firm and heavy, and he'd never felt anything that felt so good in his life. That was the truth.
A moan escaped her throat once more, and he had to swallow a lump in his. He whispered near her ear, "My God, Hanna I want you so bad."
She pulled back slightly and stared into his eyes. They stood motionless for a moment, and he wasn't sure what her thoughts were. He was slightly worried he'd ruined the moment.
Instead, she grabbed his hand and walked them toward the back door. Just before they reached it, she turned to the right and there was a wooden door he hadn't noticed before. She really did spin his head around.
She opened the door but said quietly, "I stay here sometimes when I've been working really late. My place is, well it's a mess. I've been remodeling it as you know, and sometimes I just don't have the energy to go and fight through water issues or trip over construction materials, so I stay here. It's just a small little apartment up here, and when I get my place finished, I'll actually start working on the upstairs here to rent it out. But for right now, I'd love for us to enjoy it together."
Well, if that didn't spin his head out of control. He opened his mouth to say something, didn't know what he was going to say, closed it, and opened it again. "I'd love to share it with you."
And with that, he followed Hanna as if she were a siren singing his song up the stairs and into the small little apartment that was not much bigger than a matchbox. There was a small, tiny little kitchen with three cabinets. A very small refrigerator to the left.
Across the room was a small sofa and to the right of that was a bed. It was a small double bed, but for what they planned on doing, they'd only need that small double bed. He began unbuttoning his shirt with his free hand. He couldn't help but notice that his fingers shook slightly. It had been a while. Hanna stopped them at the foot of the bed and turned to face him.
She looked uncertain, and he saw her swallow. He put two fingers under her chin and lifted her head so that her eyes met his. "If you're having second thoughts, don't worry. I won't be mad. This will only work if we're both ready for it."
She smiled. "I'm ready for it. It's just..." She swallowed again. Her hands lifted out to the side and then dropped down. "It's just that it's been a while and well…it's just been a while."
He chuckled. "I was just thinking the same thing for myself. This would be my cue," he swallowed, "to ask about protection."