Page 10 of Liaising Kai

“Lennon was working on something yesterday afternoon that he didn’t want me to see. He blanked his screen when I approached. He said he was having problems with a roof repair issue.”

“It was also his reason for leaving early yesterday,” Jason said.

“But you got a gut feeling about it, didn’t you?” She studied Davis for a moment. She focused her attention on Jason. “You were working on his computer when we came in. Maybe it would be a good idea to get back to that,” Kai suggested. She turned back to Davis. “Austin is very good with computers. He can assist.” Jason nodded. Kai fired off another question. “How about his phone records?”

“I was just about to look at them when you got here. We can look at them now.”

She rose and said, “Lead the way.”

When they reached his desk, he pulled up a chair for her while Jason did the same for Austin.

He settled in behind his desk while Kai sat down in the chair. He pulled up the dump, and they started looking through the numbers.

“There’s Mayta’s number,” Kai said, leaning forward to touch the screen and brushing his shoulder. Damn, she smelled good, floral and sweet…hibiscus?

He felt himself leaning closer, breathing in her scent. Which was dangerous, given his current state of mind, and their location, but an impulse he seemed helpless to curb. Her skin looked so smooth and soft. Then there was that cute, upturned nose. She wasn’t the cute type. She was no-nonsense and wore her confidence as easily as she did her weapon.

She was just as affected as he was, the evidence in the little shuddering breath she released, then lowered her voice. “I’m sorry about last night, Davis. You were just being?—”

“A pain in the ass? My own supreme king of cockblocks? An idiot?”

She laughed, and the lilting sound charmed him off his cockblocking ass. Her smile was indulgent and soft. She kept her eyes on the screen and Jason and Austin in her sights. They had barely any intimacy here, and it effectively kept them both in check physically, but there was so much more to seduction than touching.

“A gentleman. You were trying to rescue me from myself. I could have saved you the effort, Davis. I’m a lost cause. You should cut your losses and run in the other direction.”

“I only run when I’m chasing suspects, or exercising,” he said, charmed all over again by her “gentleman” word. There was a slight roughness to his tone, one he knew damn well she would pick up on. She had an advantage over him. If she only knew how difficult it had been for him to keep it in his pants, she wouldn’t have complimented him so easily. But her words gave him hope. “Are you cracking open the door a bit to us being able to get to know each other a little better?”

“I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m attracted to you, Davis, or that the feeling is mutual,” she whispered. She dropped her gaze, then lifted it once again, glancing at him, her eyes much darker now as her pupils expanded. She was careful to look quickly away. “But under the circumstances of what could possibly become a joint investigation, it might be wise to proceed cautiously. Don’t you think so?”

He understood where she was coming from, but it had been too long for him. Too long without putting his wants first, even for a night. And if he was being honest, too long without someone like Kai. And after years of ultimately unfulfilling women in his life, he’d learned there was no one like Kai. Her words inflamed him in a way that went deeper than desire as his dick hardened behind the fly of his jeans.

After all, he’d imagined this moment more times than he cared to admit, all the while never letting himself believe it would actually happen. They’d tangled for years now, and he’d waited patiently…okay…not so patiently. He stared at her profile, keeping Jason and Austin in his peripheral vision. He didn’t need Jason to get wind of this. He had been supportive and would have a lot of wisdom to impart. He didn’t want to be told anything about Kai and the possible relationship they could have. Or a disaster in the making.

That was up to them.

He nudged her shoulder, wondering what he was putting at risk here. Considering how their past liaisons had ended, should have made him run in the other direction like she suggested, yet kept him riveted to his chair.

“We both know what we want. The evidence was quite clear last night, and it has nothing to do with work or with caution. It has to do with restraint, and mine is running thin about now. Let’s throw caution to the wind, Kai. We owe ourselves something more, like me deep inside you until we don’t know where each of us leaves off. Don’t you think so?”

She gasped and her head jerked to him, her eyes flashing. Her skin glowed a soft pink across the bridge of her nose, before tinting her cheeks. An oh-so-innocent reaction, when he knew oh-so-differently. In that way, they were both alike. Innocent didn’t describe either one of them. They’d done too much, seen too much. Just as she had to know how diamond-hard he was, ready to pick up right where they left off last night. He bet she was as wet as he was hard.

This was getting way too heated, sitting and presumably chatting, as if the explosive chemistry between them wasn’t electrifying every atom and air particle in the room. Austin and Jason were looking at them now, Jason frowning, and Austin’s bright, perceptive eyes narrowed.

She immediately looked back to the screen, her sweet breasts rising and falling a little faster beneath her soft sweater. He was primed to move forward with her. It was sink or swim as far as he was concerned. He’d know once and for all. He’d waited long enough, maybe his entire life.

Kai made a soft sound and leaned forward, apparently quite distracted. “What is this number doing in his phone?” she whispered. Then got her face closer to the screen. “That’s?—”

“Did you just discover that Jason called Special Agent Nathan Curran?” Austin said abruptly.

Kai looked up, her face tight. “Yes, many calls to him in the last three days.” She lifted her eyes to meet Austin’s. “What did you find?”

“Lennon was trying to access NCIS files…Nathan’s files.”


Austin glanced at Jason. “We can’t tell. But he tried to hack into our database with no luck.”

Kai pulled out her cell phone and pressed the screen. She put it to her ear and waited.