“What’s so funny over here?”

The loud boom of Karthoc’s voice broke Govek’s thoughts. The male stood next to Iytier, arms crossed, expression lax. Brovdir stood right behind him, looking extremely uncomfortable and refusing to meet Govek’s eye.

What was going on in that male’s head?

Iytier piped up, though his voice was a little tight. “Govek and I have planned a fishing competition for tomorrow.”

Karthoc’s grin widened. “A competition? What stakes are being raised?”

“Bragging rights,” Estoc said. Though his face was flat and unhappy, he nodded his greeting to Brovdir, making it clear that his dislike only extended to the warlord.

“When are you going?” Karthoc asked.

“Tomorrow morning,” Govek answered after the others stayed quiet. Even if they disliked Karthoc, he was still their warlord.

“Mind if Brovdir and I join you then?”

“Brother,” Brovdir said, his voice even more strangled than normal. He coughed a little, rubbing his neck.

Karthoc looked at him a moment before finally saying. “You’re dismissed, Brovdir. Go to the healer and have him look at your throat.”

Brovdir bowed and was halfway across the room in the blink of an eye. Govek’s eyes followed him as Karthoc quizzed Iytier for details about their fishing trip.

Ergoth lurked at the end of their table.

Govek narrowed his eyes at the chief and the male quickly looked away, appearing as if he was talking with the small group at the end of their long bench.

Why was he so close? Was he trying to listen in to Karthoc’s conversations?

“Miranda. Good day to you.”

Govek whipped his head around as the seer approached his mate.


“Hello, seer,” Miranda said, her voice breaking slightly as she attempted to stand. Govek kept a firm grip on her hand, and she shot him a puzzled look but sat back down.

He’d thought they were done with this. He thought Miranda knew that consulting with Evythiken could only bring more pain. It was too soon for Miranda to go through another trauma.

It was too soon for him to have to witness it.

“Miranda. I would like a word with you in private, if you will,” the seer said, and Govek’s gut twisted into a ball. “Unless your male is vehemently opposed.”

“I am?—”

“Govek.” Miranda’s sharp tone and steely eyes stopped him in his tracks.

Was she going to leave him? Over this? He just wanted to keep her safe! Why couldn’t she see how horrible the seer was to her?

Miranda moved to stand and Govek followed suit, his mind reeling for a way to stop this from happening without Miranda threatening to leave him behind. She brought a leg over the bench.

The seat shifted.

And she tripped.

Govek snapped out his hand to catch her, but it was too late. She’d already fallen into the seer. Their skin collided as her hand caught his.