She had to. She had to get justice. She had to overcome or else the seer wouldn’t be able to help her. She scanned the crowd for him again.

Still not here.

“Miranda,” Govek rumbled, making her shiver. He trailed a finger up her arm and back down to her palm. The gentle caress was so soothing and made her marvel. He’d been so affectionate since the trip to Oakwall.

Not that she minded in the least.

She tipped her head a little. “Lean down here. I need to tell you something.” His eyes flashed with worry, but he obeyed, and she smacked a kiss to his cheek before murmuring, “I love you.”

That adorable little snort of contentment he always did when she confessed her affection broke from him and he pressed his forehead to hers a second before sitting back up. Then he wrapped a hand around her hip and tugged her closer, almost off the chair.

She laughed despite her tension as their thighs bumped. “You want me to just crawl into your lap?”

“Wouldn’t mind that.” He sent another quick grin at her. He didn’t seem worried about this.

But he wouldn’t be, since he had a plan whether they won or not. A plan Miranda didn’t want to think about. Living in the mists in complete isolation. Always looking over their shoulders. On the run.

Her babies wouldn’t thrive there like they would in the Rove Woods. She may not even be able to keep them there. She’d have to introduce them to Oakwall Village and leave them behind. Again.

Just as she’d left them on Earth.

Her stomach twisted.

They wouldn’t need that plan because they would win. She would get justice.

“Maybe if I ask Chief Ergoth really nice, he’ll let me sit on you for the duration,” Miranda teased, her eyes flitting to where Ergoth was still mingling with the clan down at the first table. The same one Govek had struck with his magic. She could see the black bolts jutting from the charred center, which had a crater the size of a soup bowl. They stretched almost twenty feet before finally petering out.

It looked kinda cool, honestly.

Ergoth continued to chat away with a group of orcs with black hands. Govek had said they were the lead conjurer team, but every now and then, Ergoth would look her direction. And the fury in his eyes made her stomach queasy.

“Why’s he so mad at me?” she murmured to herself, but of course Govek heard.

“I think...” Govek trailed off, and she looked up at him and stroked the back of his hand to get him talking again. “His plan was to have me bear the role of chief but default entirely to his judgment.”

“Right.” Miranda nodded.

Govek held her eyes. “But he cannot have control over me because you hold all of that control.”

Miranda’s stomach flipped right over, and she let out a little laugh before shaking her head. “Govek, don’t make jokes like that.”

“I am not jesting, woman,” he said with enough sincerity that it forced her laughter to die out.

Her blood buzzed and her heart clamored out a rapid pace. “So I guess this means I really can tattoo my name on your ass.”

Govek chuckled. “I’d let you tattoo much more than that. I’d let you brand any part of me you wished.”

“Oh my god, Govek,” she snapped, and he was surprised enough at her outburst that she realized his mind hadn’t taken the turn hers did. Her eyes flashed down to his groin and he instantly got it, going tense as he realized the liberty he’d just granted her. Before he could worry she might not be joking, she said, “Nope, not going there. That is perfect just the way it is.”

She stroked a hand up his thigh, forcing a shiver out of him. He snatched up her hand before it got too high.

A loud scoff came from across the platform and Miranda looked up to find Maythra glowering at her. She opened her mouth as if she were about to spout off.

Karthoc burst into the room.

Miranda sat straight along with the rest of the clan as the scowling warlord stalked into the hall with his battle-scarred brother following close behind.

And no one else.