“Wait!” Yerina said. “Govek, just let me speak to you in private for a few more moments, please.”

But Robire, a burly man who was one of the lead guards for Oakwall, already had Yerina by the arm and was pulling her away. The crowd made a wide berth for them.

The voices rose again, and Headman Gerald called, “That’s it then. Let’s resume this trade.”

Chief Ergoth moved to step toward Miranda, his sharp eyes narrowed on her, his posture radiated his fury.

Govek balled his fists and light sparked behind his eyes as his magic simmered. It didn’t fucking matter if Ergoth was his father. He’d punch the chief’s jaw clean off his face like he’d done to Wolvc if he dared to harm Miranda.

“Miranda,” Chief Ergoth said smoothly, raking the tone over Govek’s frazzled nerves. “I would like a word with you. Alone.”

“I’m sorry, Chief Ergoth, but I’m too tired at the moment. Govek, will you take me home?” Miranda said quickly, her warm hand pushed at the small of his back to force him away. Her prompting won in the end. He could not refuse a direct request from her.

And Chief Ergoth did not try to argue again. There were too many eyes for him to try to force the hand of one of his clan’s precious females.

“Huh, looks like Hilva dropped her cup,” Miranda said as her eyes lingered on an abandoned mug on the mossy ground.

Miranda’s words broke Govek out of his worry and into confusion. “She what?”

“Oh, nothing,” Miranda said. “Let’s go.”

With each step away, Govek gained back a little more control, was able to clear his mind a little further. The whispering voices around them and skewering gazes felt different this time. They were not so harsh and hot. They did not churn up his guts so terribly.

There was now no reason for Oakwall to refuse to trade with him, to stop him from moving forward. He could hunt for the humans regularly and obtain everything Miranda wanted. Keep her safe, happy, and whole.

“I cannot believe...” Govek shook his head as the scene played out in his mind all over again.

“I can,” Miranda said, as they rounded a bend in the path, leaving the trade behind them. No one followed. “People like that always crumble when what they want is suddenly snatched away from them. They say and do more and more crazy things until the mask they wear slips, and they can no longer hide their cruelty.”

His brow pinched as he examined her brooding expression.

“Did you see how pissed your dad was when you looked at me to make the decision about Yerina instead of him?”

Fuck. “Don’t.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes and he regretted his harsh tone, but still he had to warn. “Don’t, Miranda. I wanted to tear him apart.”

She hummed, stroked his arm. “Your dad really doesn’t like his control taken away, does he?”

He could not recall a time his father had ever lost any of his control, so he could not answer that question. Chief Ergoth had always been the pinnacle of authority and lived to ensure the clan prospered.

He had never seen him act the way he had just now.

When he threatened Miranda . . .

He tightened his hold on his woman, wrapped his arm about her waist, and pulled her closer to his side. Ground his teeth and balled his fists and tried to work the image of his father’s rage directed toward his precious mate out of his mind.

“Well, I do think the ‘oozing’ was a success in the end.” His eyes popped open, and she smirked at him. “Best ‘ooze’ I’ve ever had.”


“Ten out of ten ‘oozes.’ Can’t wait to ‘ooze’ with Oakwall again.”


“Or would it be ‘ooze’ on them?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, unsure if he wanted to groan or laugh. “Fuck, Miranda.”