Miranda ignored her goading. “It made you pretty mad when he decided the deal wasn’t sweet enough, didn’t it?” Miranda spoke loud and clear. “You say he lost control, but you did too, didn’t you? He gave you the best you ever had, but on his side, it was mediocre. It was so dull for him he broke things off entirely, you poor thing. That must have stung.”

“I have never been mediocre!” Yerina almost shrieked. “Govek groveled at my feet. I gave him the attention no one else was willing to give. I was the best he ever had, and he’ll want me back. That’s why he’s here today. Because I’m the only one for him, and he knows it.”

“He’s here because I asked him to accompany me. He never even mentioned you when we made our plans,” Miranda said. “What makes you think he’d ever want you back?”

“You delusional wretch! He will come back to me. He’ll toss you in the mud.” Yerina jabbed her finger at Miranda but wasn’t brave enough to make contact. “Just you watch. I’ll win him back in the end and then I’ll be matriarch of Rove Wood Clan and I’ll make your life miserable.”

“I will never allow that to happen.” The low tone shot a shiver up Miranda’s spine, and she shot her gaze toward the voice.

Govek had arrived.




By the time Govek made it over to Miranda, he’d overheard almost all of Yerina’s admission. And so had everyone else in the vicinity.

There were so many orcs and humans gathered around that Govek felt like his flesh was blistered from their penetrating stares, his ears burned from their clamoring voices.

But Miranda reached out to him and he drew strength as he moved to her side. He wished he could pick her up and cart her off into the woods and pretend that none of these other beings existed.

“Are you well, Miranda?” he asked quietly.

“I’m perfectly fine.” She gave him a smile that helped ease some of his tension.

“Govek.” A light brush against the back of his arm made him shudder. Yerina regarded him with her large, watery eyes that had always caused him to bend to her will.

Never again.

“Govek,” Yerina’s voice broke. “I’ve missed you.”

“Missed me so much that you spread falsehoods about me.”

Yerina straightened and wrung her hands. “I don’t know what you’ve heard but?—”

“Why would I ever want to be with someone that is so hateful toward me they would gladly ruin my life rather than be near me?”

“No! It wasn’t like that. You don’t understand. I did it out of love for you,” Yerina pleaded, her eyes flooding. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you finding another before we could make amends. We’re meant to be together, Govek. You see that, don’t you? I’m the only woman who could ever understand you.”

“You understand nothing but my abilities to hunt, craft, and offer you boons.” Govek nearly snarled, his blood heating. To think this was the woman he adored for so long. To think he had prostrated himself for her sideways glances. Allowed her to spread vile lies about him for months out of guilt that he’d truly done wrong by her in the end.

He was a fool. He would not be one again.

“I’m sorry, all right?” Yerina stepped forward to take his arm, but he snatched it away from her. “I’ll make it up to you. I’ll make sure the rumors about you stop. And I promise I’ll prove to you that I truly am the best woman for you.”

“You could never?—”

“Go ahead and try, Yerina. You think you can undo the lies you’ve spread so easily? I’m willing to bet you’ll never manage it,” Miranda said.

Yerina’s face contorted into rage so vile that Govek tugged Miranda behind him. “You’ll see. I’ll prove to both of you that I?—”

“What is going on here?”

The booming voice of Headman Gerald rose above all other voices. Yerina came upright and paled, tears instantly halted.

“Yerina.” The headman’s eyes narrowed into a deep scowl as the crowd parted for him to come through. Fades, every being at the trade was watching this. “I told you to apologize to Govek, and make right the wrongs you have committed, not attack him and his companion.”