She hoped they would have enough time before he came to join her. Miranda expected the verbal punches to be flying, and she didn’t want him bruised any more than he already was.

Miranda followed Savili through the crowd to where Yerina was still talking with Hilva and a few other women from Rove Wood near the center of the trade pavilion. Her hair billowed, her posture was loose and flippant. Her expression was a perfect mix of aloof and bemused.

God damn it. Why did Miranda have to be such a jealous ninny? Why did her abandonment issues have to crop up at the worst times? Govek was imprinted on her, not Yerina.

Yerina caught Miranda’s eye in the crowd. They flashed with acknowledgment which meant Hilva must have filled her in on everything.

Yerina’s sharp green eyes trailed all the way down Miranda’s body and back up again. She scoffed. Mocking laughter touched her red lips before she turned her attention to Hilva and whispered something into her ear that made the younger woman chortle and stare.

Oh, it was on. She and Savili walked over with no hesitation.

“Yerina,” Savili greeted cooly. “I don’t think you’ve been properly introduced to Miranda yet.”

“No, I haven’t, but Hilva tells me Govek brought her here.” Yerina’s voice was high and crisp and grated on Miranda’s nerves. “It’s good to meet you. How are you settling into the clan? I’m sure it must be a might overwhelming for you.”

Miranda bristled and bit back, “It hasn’t been bad at all. I’ve been warmly welcomed by everyone.”

Yerina smirked, eyes flickering down Miranda’s body. “You do look a state, don’t you? It’s all right, Miranda. I know that orcs can be rather a lot to handle, even on the best of days. It takes a special kind to keep them content.”

If Yerina was going to come out punching, Miranda would too. “Oh, I have Govek plenty content.”

Yerina rose her brows slightly. “Oh, is that so? Well, I suppose you don’t need my advice then.”

Miranda tipped her head. “Advice? I thought you would try to give warnings.”

“She will give you warnings.” Hilva cut in and stepped forward even as the other two women from Rove Wood backed away. They were smart enough not to get caught in the crossfire. “And you would be lucky to heed them.”

“Hilva,” Yerina said smoothly, almost cooing. “Thank you for defending me, dear, but perhaps you would be good enough to fetch me something to drink?”

Hilva jerked, clearly put out.

“I’d like a private word with our newcomer. You understand, don’t you?”

With a grumble, Hilva conceded. She walked off toward the orc side of the trade.

“Don’t think you can get rid of me so easily, Yerina.” Savili crossed her arms.

“Of course not, Savili. You’re always welcome.” She turned her full attention back to Miranda. “Hilva told me you and Govek have been intimate in the past. I assume then that you are here to learn what truly transpired between Govek and I?”

“If by ‘in the past’ you mean just this morning, then, yeah, we’ve been intimate in the past. And we’ll be intimate again in the future.” Miranda watched Yerina’s face carefully.

But the woman was good at her game, her expression barely flickered. “Your confidence is adorable.” Yerina’s eyes moved toward the crowd, to where Govek was still engrossed in his conversation with Karthoc. “Hilva mentioned you couldn’t have been together more than a handful of days and yet Govek is here. At the trade for the first time in almost a season.”

“What’s your point?”

Yerina’s eyes flashed, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Orcs come here to find conquests, you know? I’m just surprised that his interest with you waned so quickly.”

Miranda’s gut twisted despite herself. “You go on and tell yourself that.”

Savili cut in. “Perhaps you shouldn’t speak of waning interests, Yerina. Govek was with you for almost three seasons, and in the end, never decided to make you his mate.”

“Oh, but he wanted me to be. He was constantly talking about bringing me to his home. Keeping me all to himself. Worshipping me.”

Miranda’s heart clenched in her chest.

Yerina’s expression was smug. “Oh, he didn’t tell you that, did he? That he practically begged me to stay with him.”

Damn it, she was blustering. It meant nothing.