“I am certain that this evening, after... the dredging.” Miranda shifted in her seat. “Govek will be in a better place to receive your apology, but trust me when I tell you he truly harbors no ill will toward you.”
Viravia relaxed slightly, nodding. Her little baby had fallen asleep at her breast, nursing lazily. The love that poured from the woman into her babe made Miranda’s eyes well up.
“Are you going to be okay? With the dredging, I mean?”
Miranda smiled weakly, unable to respond because truthfully, she wasn’t sure. Her stomach clenched and her mouth went dry. “I know it’s what I have to do. I know that if I don’t, it will haunt me for the rest of my life. It’s just... I worry that if something happens, Govek will...”
Dang it, she really didn’t want to cry.
Viravia clasped her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “Govek has supporters here. He didn’t see it until very recently, but now that he has... They’ll take care of him, if something happens. I promise.”
Miranda forced herself to smile.
A gentle knock sounded, as if on cue, and Wellia opened the door. “Miranda, Govek asked me to fetch you.”
Far too soon. Miranda squeezed Viravia’s hand tight, bid her goodbye, and followed Wellia out.
Govek was chatting with Karthoc quietly as Miranda crossed the porch that circled the healer’s tree and started down the steps. They both stopped in an instant and turned to face her. Karthoc’s eyes were so hauntingly hopeful it was difficult for Miranda to stop herself from giving details.
“She’s well,” Miranda assured him. “She and the baby both.”
“She’s getting enough rest? Does she need more to eat or drink?”
Miranda saw Wellia roll her eyes at Karthoc’s questions. He’d likely been driving the woman mad with all his demands.
“I think she’s fine,” Miranda said.
“We’re going, Karthoc,” Govek said gruffly, but he patted his cousin on the back affectionately before taking Miranda’s arm and guiding her back through the woods. To their home.
“What were you two talking about?” Miranda asked, wanting a distraction from the tension growing in her gut. “Before I came out?”
“His plans. For the merger.”
“He’s still made Sythcol and Brovdir the new chiefs, right?”
She pressed her forehead into Govek’s arm and wondered how that would work out. The two males seemed like complete opposites to her.
But she didn’t have the bandwidth to worry about it now.
It felt like far more than a day ago that she was dangling off that cliff. That Ergoth had tried to kill them both. A lifetime had passed them by in just a few short hours, and now another bright, chilly afternoon had descended.
She wished the dredging was already over so she could relish it. Look into these woods and know she would never leave them. Hold Govek’s hand and be assured they would be together for the rest of their days. She wanted to get excited for her future. For the home and life they would build.
But she couldn’t. Not yet.
“So, I was thinking.” Govek placed a hand on her back. “After this, we should do some more ‘oozing’ at the trade.” Miranda’s eyes widened, but he continued, “You can argue with them about math, and smack them with a salmon, and we can see if anyone is willing to trade for tools so you can finally get around to tattooing your name on my ass.”
Miranda laughed helplessly. Dang, they really had gone through a lot. But they’d had so much fun too.
There was so much laughter between them.
“I love you, tough guy.” She held his arm tight.
“I love you, Miranda.”