“Would that have changed your mind?” Miranda asked, as Govek’s grip tightened around her. “If she’d said she was pregnant, would that have changed your mind about the war?”
Karthoc’s face twisted, but he didn’t find words. And he didn’t need to. She could see the truth in his dark eyes. Back then, it would have done nothing. He was too drenched in power. Soaked through with blood and pride.
He turned away and stormed down the hill after his brother.
Miranda cleaved to Govek, closing her eyes as she tried to think.
Govek nuzzled the top of her head and carried her down the hill without a word.
“Fuck.” Govek paused halfway down the hill, his legs shook too badly to continue safely while carrying Miranda and he certainly wasn’t going to set her down.
She clung to him as he loped over to a nearby rock and collapsed on top of it.
He pulled her closer, pinned her. He couldn’t seem to get enough air into his lungs.
She’d nearly died twice this day. Twice. “Fuck, Miranda, you’re going to be the death of me.”
“It’s been a lot, hasn’t it?” Her voice broke as she began to ramble. “Too much. God, how many near-death experiences do we need in a twenty-four-hour period? In a lifetime. Goddamn, I’ve fallen off two cliffs already, Govek. That’s two cliffs too many. I never even want to look at a cliff again. It’s clear they have it out for me.”
He relished the sound of her voice. Soaked it up. She was alive. She was all right. At least all right enough to jabber endlessly at him. He smoothed his hands over her skin. Over every scrape and cut. She was abraded in multiple places on her legs and even though they weren’t bleeding, he wanted to heal them. To get tinctures on them.
“I need to get you home.” He pressed his forehead to hers.
“I’m sorry.”
He froze, moved back to search her face. Her eyes were flooded, and it made him want to crumble.
“I’m sorry, Govek. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that... about not being your mate anymore. I should never have said that. I’m so?—”
“I love you,” he said, his chest tight from how full it was with relief. He pulled her into a tight embrace again. “I love you. I am sorry too. I should not have fought with you. I should not have left.”
“You were scared... scared of losing me.” She pushed away from him, and took a deep breath. “You have to tell me when you don’t think something is right. Before you get to that point. Promise me.”
“I... will.” Fades, he would try. “I didn’t want to push you away.”
“I know.” She rested her forehead against his chin. “I know you didn’t. You have had a lifetime of being silenced, and I’m too stubborn and determined. You go quiet and I steamroll over you. We match so well in every other way but this one.”
He tensed, gulped.
“But... we’ll work it out. I want to be with you. It will be worth it.”
“Yes.” Fuck, he was so relieved. “Yes, we will work on it. Together. I swear it.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissed his cheek, his nose. His mouth.
She tasted like bliss and his blood heated up all over again.
When she pulled away, he whispered. “We need to get home.” They had much to discuss now, and he wanted to get her clean.
“I don’t think I can walk. I’m sorry. I want to. I’m just really shaky. Maybe in a few minutes I could?—”
“You should dredge with Evythiken.”