“That’s a lie.” Evythiken’s voice was a sensation. Tangible, alive.

“They didn’t... die?” Miranda’s stomach dropped and her skin broke out into a cold sweat.

Had her babies lived after all?


Govek’s roar was punctuated by his fist slamming into the table. The corner exploded, fracturing apart.

“You will not do this!” He barreled to his feet, bellowing so loud it licked up her spine and sparked fire in her mind. “I will not allow it.”

“You don’t get to decide that,” Miranda said, her words clipped, her fists balled.

“Yes, I do! You are my mate!” Govek cried. “You are the woman I am bound to care for. The woman I am imprinted to. It is my responsibility to keep you from harm, and this will cause you harm. It has already! Too much!”

“This is what I am meant to do!” Miranda yelled back, getting to her feet as well. He still towered over her, but she skewered him with her glare. Slashed him with her words. “You don’t have any say in this. The only reason you have me at all is because I was brought here to do this.”

“I don’t care why the Fades brought you. You are mine now. My mate! And I will not let you run headlong into danger while I am here to stop you!”

“I’m not a possession you can control, Govek! I choose who I want to be with! And if you don’t want to support me in this, then maybe we shouldn’t be mates!”

Her heart seized, but it was too late. The words had already left her lips.

Govek’s face crumbled, his hands shook violently, and a strangled sound left his throat.

And then he turned on his heel and burst out of the door. He ripped it off its hinges all over again and disappeared into the woods.

Miranda stared after him, throat thick, guts twisting. She thought she might vomit. Her eyes burned and prickled and tears spilled from her eyes.


The seer’s voice wrenched her gaze from where Govek had disappeared. The seer’s face was a mask of pity and Karthoc wouldn’t even look at her.

Her lip trembled, and she turned away, grabbing her cloak. She left through the back door.

She was mostly up the hill to the falls before she began to openly sob.




“Govek, hold for me.”

Govek ignored his cousin’s demand and continued to pound through the woods, leaves and twigs crunched under his feet. His claws dug harshly into his palms as his terror mounted.

“Govek, for fuck’s sake!”

Govek couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. He wanted to rip the whole forest down.

Because of Miranda.

He couldn’t lose her.

“Do not make me tackle you!”

“Fuck off!” he snarled, still going.