“All those who choose to remove Ergoth from his role of chief, stand,” Sythcol said loudly.

A symphony of clattering bodies and feet as the entire clan rose soothed the anguish from Govek’s chest. He tucked Miranda in close, soaking up her warmth, and looked into the strength on her face.

“You want him?” Ergoth raged, finally managing to rise. His hair was a tangled mess, and his eyes were wild. “You want the fucking male who butchered the whole of Clairton? You will regret this!”

Govek shuddered, stepping back further. His mind slipped into memories he wanted to forget, of rage and blurs of color, followed by agonizing clarity and carnage. Human men slaughtered, bloody pieces of them strewn about. His body covered in that blood. Their blood.

“The whole of?” Karthoc snapped. “You mean the twenty fucking soldiers who were packing up the remains of the town?”

“The remains?” Iytier asked. “What do you mean by remains? By twenty soldiers?”

“Silence!” Ergoth spat, but no one seemed to hear him except Govek.

Iytier continued. “Ergoth told us that Govek slaughtered everyone in sight, including women and children. That he razed the town against your orders.”

“I said silence!”

“You will be silent!” Karthoc roared. “You dare spread such lies about your own kin? To say he murdered children?”

“He may as well have! How many sons would I have now if he hadn’t driven Corine away!”

Govek went very cold only to have warmth wrap about his neck, his chest.

“Govek,” Miranda said into his ear. Her tone soothing, strengthening.

“You think that justifies sending a boar to kill him?” Karthoc’s voice was a tangible thing, whipping up the clan into a whispering frenzy.

“I have only ever done right by this clan!” Ergoth said. “I have been faithful and loyal and worked too fucking hard for everything I created to pass to this vile?—”

“This is the truth!” Karthoc said, his voice echoing above Ergoth’s. “We found Clairton abandoned. Scouts had warned them we were coming and they wisely chose to leave. Only a few hands of males were still cleaning up. All soldiers. And yes, we slaughtered them. We all did. Govek was in battle rage with the rest of us. But there were no women or children.”

Govek’s stomach heaved, and he closed his eyes as his body shook.

There had been no children that day.

But if there had been . . . if there had . . .

“Govek, tough guy, breathe for me.” Miranda stroked the back of his neck.

“Lives are lives!” Ergoth snarled. “And you will have a murderer as your leader.”

“Better that then a traitor! Govek killed only in self-defense after they tortured your son to death!”

At that moment, the hall doors burst open again. Estoc led Brovdir and two other burly orc warriors into the room.

Karthoc waved them to follow and stormed through the hall toward Ergoth. Govek found himself carrying Miranda toward the wall of the hall, to the dim spot where the stairs up onto the platform were located, watching, waiting.

Waiting for Ergoth to be taken away.

Govek may never see him again. His throat closed even as his mind scrambled. He fought for something to say, to make sense of the growing dread in his gut.

This couldn’t just be it.

“Ergoth, you have been stripped of your role. You have attempted to murder your own kin. You have deceived your clan and abused your power. You will be held at my camp until adequate punishment can be chosen.”

“No!” Ergoth wailed as Karthoc took up the male’s hands and wrenched them behind his back. He did this so easily, taking action where Govek was frozen stiff.

“This clan is mine. They belong to me!”