“And for good reason.”

Evythiken made his way out of the tree line. Govek’s guts twisted. Had the seer not done enough already?

Karthoc growled low. “I thought I told you to stay at the camp.”

“And I thought I told you I would not,” Evythiken said smoothly. He looked far less disheveled than he had the day before. He inclined his head toward Miranda. “Good morning to you both. I come to exchange pleasantries with Miranda.”

“You come to muddy up the only reprieve I have in this whole mess,” Karthoc muttered. “Your pleasantries are schemes.”

“I think we can both agree that the scheming belongs to Ergoth.”

Karthoc snorted, but met Govek’s eye. “Yes, and I want to assure you we’ll be hosting one of those judgments of Rove’s soon, Govek. Perhaps tomorrow.”

A shiver threatened to roll down Govek’s spine. He could never have imagined that his father would ever be on the hard end of a judgment.

“Rest assured,” Karthoc said, clearly noting Govek’s discomfort. “You needn’t worry about it. You don’t even need to show up if you don’t want to. Plenty of males have already come to me with complaints. Waves of them. Fucking forests worth. I’ve got Sythcol and Brovdir compiling them as best they can.”

“Sythcol?” Govek said with a shake of his head. The lead conjurer had always followed Ergoth’s commands. He even invented the clearing and the binding under Ergoth’s orders. “Are you certain he’s trustworthy in this?”

“He is,” Evythiken confirmed, rubbing at his temple. “He feels badly used. He is... satisfyingly vindictive.”

“Satisfyingly vindictive?” Miranda repeated, brows raised.

“Miranda, I wanted to tell you I stripped your memories from the children’s minds.”

Govek could feel her sag with relief even as she tightened her grip on his arm. “Really? You can do that?”

Evythiken chuckled. “Of course, I can. Especially when it is willed by the Fades. Which it certainly was. This message is not for our young to experience, but for everyone else.”

“Everyone else?” Miranda asked and Govek’s guts began to twist up.

Fuck, wasn’t she done with this? Why did she keep pressing?

“I have much to impart on you, but later. Let’s keep today light while we still can.”

“Agreed.” Karthoc clapped his hands together. “I want to hear nothing of mergers or clans or Fades or bloody prophesies until after the winner of this fishing competition has bragged to the entire clan. Now, let’s get going. The weather won’t keep.”

Miranda curled her fingers around Govek’s arm as they set out again. He relished it even as his mind worked for a way to tell the seer to fuck off and leave them in peace.

All he wanted was Miranda to heal. Was that really such a grand request?

Before long the pool came into view. A deep span of blue water surrounded by mossy rocks and a few fallen trees. It was part of the Spring of the Fades and thus often had many fish. Most of it was only waist deep, and the bottom was rocky, but slick.

Iytier and Estoc were already there with their mates and sons. Setting up blankets for their women to sit upon. Estoc’s four older boys were taking turns jumping from a boulder twice their height onto the sandy ground while Roenia bounced their youngest, who was fussy.

He walked Miranda over. Savili spoke first, drawing the attention of the males. “Hello, Miranda, good morning. I’m so glad we got another pleasant day for this.”

Govek could feel the tension leave Miranda in a rush as they approached the women. “Yeah, it would be pretty miserable out here in the rain. Viravia couldn’t make it?”

“She wanted to rest, but she will join us for the cooking later,” Savili said.

“She’s still got half a moon left before the babe comes, poor thing.” Roenia patted her little one’s bum. She gave Govek a smile that stunned him. Drew him abruptly into the realization that being greeted warmly by the women of Rove Wood was an oddity he would have to get used to. “Govek, Warlord, Seer, good morning.”

“Govek, what kind of spear are you using?” Estoc asked gruffly, giving up on smoothing out the blanket as Roenia plunked down unhindered.

Govek’s brow furrowed as Iytier’s attention turned to him, obviously eager.

“Good morning to you too, Estoc.” Karthoc’s tone was laced with amusement, and Estoc wouldn’t even look at him. “You look very chipper, as always.”