Miranda flashed one of her best smiles and greeted warmly. “I’m Miranda. Nice to meet you.”
Savili chuckled as Roenia flushed and stammered. “I’m Roenia, and this is Uvion.” She touched the babe’s head. “I have four other sons as well.” She gestured over to a group of about ten running around. There was no way to pick out which were hers.
“I’m Estoc.” Roenia’s mate cut in. “I’ll get the boys over to introduce later. No use trying to talk sense into their thick heads right now. You’ll understand soon enough with your own orc babes.”
“Maybe,” Miranda said with a shrug and a grin that told him he knew just what she was doing to their curiosity.
Estoc kept his gaze on Govek as he muttered, “You picked a woman as tight-lipped as you are, I see.”
Govek huffed as Miranda’s grin widened.
“Stop pushing, Estoc.”
It was Jehvlek’s quiet tone that cut the tension. He walked over with his usual smooth glide. His slender frame and careful demeanor gave him an aloof air that had never left Govek feeling completely comfortable. This was the first time he had laid eyes on the male since Tavggol’s death, but he met Govek’s eyes with ease. “Govek has always been private, so I can only assume his woman is as well.”
“He could at least tell us if she’s staying,” Estoc muttered but dropped the subject.
Jehvlek made no move to sit. “I’ll return shortly with my mate. Would you like us to bring meals for you and your woman, Govek?”
“I’ll get it once she’s settled,” Govek said firmly and Jehvlek gave a simple nod before disappearing into the chaos.
Surprisingly, Estoc grinned with amusement. “Ever the provider. You—” He froze, eyes narrowed on the door. “Fades be fucked.”
Govek looked over to see his father walk into the hall. He kept to the wall like Govek usually did and scanned the crowd. When their eyes met, his father glowered, straightened up, and turned away. He moved off toward his platform where the children were still roughhousing.
“You’d think he’d read the energy,” Estoc growled under his breath and Roenia patted his arm with her free hand. “He should either explain himself or stay out. He’s going to spoil the mood.”
Roenia censured him quietly. “Estoc, you promised.”
“I know, I know,” he muttered. “Sorry, Govek. I know it’s not a pleasant topic, but fuck, Ergoth hasn’t even... sorry. Nothing.”
A tense silence followed as Estoc went quiet, though his eyes still narrowed on Ergoth, who had climbed up to his platform and disappeared into his private rooms.
“What do you mean?” Miranda pressed, drawing Govek’s attention back. “Ergoth hasn’t even what?”
Roenia met Estoc’s eyes. “We, most of the clan, have been asking him to clarify some things, like why he lied to keep us from visiting Govek after Tavggol’s death, but he’s been rather avoidant.”
“Guilty is what he is,” Estoc snapped, going off in a way that made Govek’s brows rise. “He even promoted the rumors that you abused Yerina. That’s why so many here believed them.”
Govek clenched his teeth so hard he thought they might crack.
“Estoc,” Iytier cut in. “You vowed to make this a pleasant meal.”
Estoc growled slightly but met Govek’s eyes. “Sorry, we’re all furious. Karthoc said he’ll search out the truth, but what for? We all already know the truth.”
Govek swallowed and searched the hall to where Karthoc stood beside Brovdir, chatting with a large group of males who were all sitting and eating. Most of the expressions were actually pleasant.
Had... the warrior’s reputation in Rove Wood Clan changed? What had caused that?
“He won’t be our chief for much longer anyway,” Iytier said, giving Govek a pointed look.
Govek’s skin prickled.
He would not become clan leader. He was not suited for such a role.
Govek calmed himself by toying with the idea of taking Miranda on a long hunting trip. He’d hide her away from all these complications until they resolved on their own.
Estoc snorted loudly and drew Govek’s attention back. “Regardless, most do not think of Ergoth as our leader any longer. Too many vile things have been uncovered. Why even the clearing has—Vaiteg!” The male rose to his feet, eyes flaming. Govek was jolted by the sudden shift that it took him a moment to remember that Vaiteg was the name of Estoc’s eldest son. “Get out of that cauldron! Do you want to be turned into stew?”