“Fine,” Ergoth spread his hands wide again. “All those in favor of reducing Govek’s punishment now, before we know if he is responsible for these heinous attacks, please stand.”
“Ergoth,” Karthoc growled threateningly.
“That isn’t what I—” Iytier started.
“I apologize.” Chief Ergoth looked genuinely remorseful. This orc’s ability to fake contrition unsettled Miranda. “Truly. I must have misunderstood what you wanted. Please, Iytier, word the vote exactly as you will it.”
Iytier looked around the room in defeat.
The damage was done. Who would vote to reduce the sentence without proof?
“I... call to vote that Govek not be punished for injuring Wolvc while defending his woman.”
No one stood.
“Just for the attack on Wolvc,” Iytier clarified rapidly. “The punishment for the attack on Miranda can still maintain.”
She searched the room.
No one stood. Not one.
Miranda looked to Ergoth, who stood atop his podium, chin raised, posture easy. He’d known none of them would side with Govek. He’d known that not one of them would play fair.
Govek and her were officially fighting a losing battle. But Miranda steeled her jaw and straightened her spine.
She would still fight.
Govek’s mind reeled. His thoughts spun and his heart raced. He wanted to pick Miranda up and flee.
He’d thought of doing so this morning. They could have packed up a sack on the way out the door and ventured off into the woods. They’d hide among the mists and pretend Rove Wood Clan had never existed.
He should have known the clan would be biased. That they wouldn’t play fair in this.
These could be the last moments he spent with Miranda. His love.
“Sythcol, please, come forth to perform the clearing.”
Ergoth looked almost satisfied. It blistered in Govek’s chest.
Yes, his father was meant to put the clan before everything else, but Govek was still his son. Should that not count for something?
Govek gritted his teeth. It never had counted in the past. He shouldn’t be surprised now.
“Chief Ergoth.” Miranda sat up straight again with Govek’s hand tight in hers. “I request we do not use Sythcol’s magic during these proceedings.”
Sythcol, who’d been making his way to the alcove at the back of the Rove Tree where the clearing was performed, stopped dead in his tracks, and whipped around to stare at Miranda.
“I don’t think how it works is fair,” Miranda said, and Sythcol’s face twisted with ire.