He broke off the kiss, leaving her lips swollen and her eyes misty.
“Fuck...” She touched those reddened lips before letting out another wry laugh. “Okay, fine. I do curse. But it’s your fault for making me.”
“I love you, Miranda.”
Her breath caught and her eyes flooded with tears. He touched his forehead to hers and whispered again. “I love you.”
“Ah shoot.” She wiped at her eyes, voice thick. “I already told you that. And I know you do. It shouldn’t be this big a thing.”
He chuckled, mingling radiant joy as he dipped and kissed the tears off her cheeks. “You are perfect, Miranda. The Fades must have created you for me.”
“Or the other way around.” Her voice warbled a little. She put her arms around his neck and tugged him into her. “Sometimes I still wonder if you’re real, if I’m dreaming.”
“Sometimes, I wonder if I died,” he said, musing on that day he lay paralyzed on the forest floor. Listening to her babble about being in a dream. Who would have imagined he would be lucky enough to listen to that babble for the rest of his days?
“Don’t talk about your death, Govek.” Her concern was so obvious it made his heart flutter.
He raked his fingers through her soft, lush hair, earning shivers of pleasure from her. Leaned down to her mouth. “I apologize. Allow me to make it up to you.”
“The food will burn,” she said, even as she tipped her head up to receive his kiss.
“And I’ll gladly eat it anyway,” he said against her lips.
A frantic knock sounded at the door.
Miranda jumped and knocked her forehead into his nose with a crack. “Oh gosh.” She reached up to rub the sting with her gentle fingers. “I’m so sorry.”
He could only grin.
The knock hammered again, and the scent registered. Sage. His brows furrowed as he eased Miranda’s hand away and went to answer.
Viravia burst in without preamble and shut the door behind her. The hood of her cloak was tucked so tight around her head it was a wonder she’d been able to see, and she threw it off without care as she entered, disheveling her hair. Her cheeks were bright from the cold.
“Viravia, my gosh, hi,” Miranda said, but the woman ignored her, forcing Govek’s mood to sour.
“Govek, is it true?” Viravia’s wild eyes darted to his. “I heard about... well, everything.”
“Are you all right, Viravia?” Miranda came over to the table. She didn’t seem as upset by Viravia’s dismissal.
And the woman made her amends quickly. “Miranda, I’m sorry for barging in. I’m just all out of sorts.”
“Here, sit down.” Miranda pulled out one of the chairs.
But Viravia looked to Govek instead. “Savili sent me a message. She told me... she told me about the judgment. Is it true?”
“Yeah,” Miranda said. “I’m not going to let Maythra get away with attacking me, but they say Govek was out of line when he broke Wolvc’s jaw.”
Fuck, he hated the reminder that he’d been so far gone. His fists curled and the one that had cracked the male’s teeth tingled.
“Not that,” Viravia breathed, allowing herself to be helped into the chair. “The punishment.”
Govek’s guts plummeted as Miranda met his gaze. “Punishment?”
“You were told, weren’t you, Govek?” Viravia asked.
“Yes, Karthoc informed me of it.”
Viravia sucked in her breath. “You have to call for a lower cost, Govek. This isn’t right.”