Miranda’s chest warmed at the thought of Govek building a cradle.
He’d done something like that and still didn’t think Iytier and Savili considered him to be a friend? Her heart ached for Govek and she wondered how deep his insecurities truly ran.
“So, believe me when I say we’ve tried to change the clan’s harsh opinions. It’s like it’s ingrained.” Iytier dropped another box of apples heavily to the ground. “And his penchant for withdrawing completely at the slightest hard glance hasn’t exactly helped. He won’t even try to defend himself.”
“Can you blame him?” Miranda crossed her arms. “The way Govek tells it, he never thought anyone from this clan has ever been on his side.”
“That is not true,” Iytier said with a little too much force.
Miranda held up her hand. “I’m not debating the truth of it. I am just saying what Govek perceives. And frankly, even after being here for a few days, I can see how he got that impression. Y’all are either suspicious or angry at him. Not one person welcomed him back to the clan. Not one person seemed relieved that he’d survived Estwill, only irritated he hadn’t managed to bring back more women.”
“That’s not how I feel.” Iytier threw up his hands.
“Perhaps not, but you didn’t offer him many kind words when you saw him this morning, did you?” Miranda pointed out. “I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be angry at how obtuse he can be. I’m just trying to help you see things from Govek’s perspective.”
Iytier’s green face grew pale and Savili’s eyes fell to the ground.
“There’ve been so many misunderstandings between the clan and him it’s completely overshadowed how amazing Govek is. How selfless he can be. I’ve witnessed that firsthand. He saved me out in the woods. He fed me while he went hungry. He literally gave me the clothes off his back. He’s held me when I’m at my worst and made me laugh even when I didn’t want to.”
He was patient, and kind, and she never tired of being around him. Even now she wished he was standing beside her so she could rub his fist into unclenching and rest her head on his arm and chatter at him about how strongly she felt for him. How much she... she...
Oh wow.
She was in love with him.
Her cheeks heated and her heart hammered, and she glanced up at the two faces regarding her with confusion.
Confusion and guilt
Her heart was still pounding from her revelation, but she took a breath, determined. “You say you’re on Govek’s side, but he doesn’t see it that way. And honestly, neither do I. No one has ever taken his side, but I intend to change that. He’s been silenced long enough. And a good place to start is by dispelling all these lies Yerina’s been spreading.” Miranda’s brow furrowed then. “Do you know why she’s perpetuating them?”
“I assume for attention,” Savili said with a heavy sigh. “Most of those who listen think her very brave and valiant for going through what she did with Govek and not calling for a judgment against him. She claims it is to maintain the peaceful trade between our peoples, which makes some feel indebted to her for being so gracious.”
“Do you know why she started them in the first place?”
“No,” Iytier said. “But I do know she would often play this way. Scorn him so he might bring her more boons to win her back, and he always did. Except that last time as he left for Clairton without telling anyone, and then...”
“Hmm...” Miranda glanced back toward Yerina and found her curling her hair around her finger, pouting her pretty red lips. “I can imagine Yerina was pretty pissed about that. Especially if she expected him to come back on his hands and knees and he never did.”
“He never came back at all,” Iytier said, his voice low and his expression dark. “And Chief Ergoth told us it was because he found himself too dangerous and I was a stubborn fool. Too angry that he left for Clairton without even...”
Savili placed a hand on Iytier’s arm and Miranda wondered, once again, just how many misunderstandings had led to Govek’s alienation.
And how many of those misunderstandings led back to Chief Ergoth?
Savili began to remove the baby sling and passed her little one on to Iytier. “Well, we aren’t going to get Yerina to admit anything if we just stand here. Let’s just go and see where it leads.”
“Sounds good to me.” Miranda perked up. She honestly hadn’t expected Savili to go with her.
“You sure you want to take this on Savili?” Iytier asked, though he was already adjusting the sling to his height.
“I am. I can handle it, Iytier.”
“I don’t doubt you”—the male plucked a kiss to the top of his mate’s head—“just try not to be too loud.”
Savili cast him a mischievous smile. “Never thought you’d give me that command.”
Miranda snorted, trying to hide her laughter, and not doing a very good job of it. Her eyes scanned the crowd again. She found Govek still talking with Karthoc.