“No, Govek, that isn’t what I?—”
“I am not capable of this task you would have me put to, Karthoc. I can barely control my own magic. I won the day for you at Clairton because I completely lost my mind. I do not even recall most of what I did in those moments. It’s a blur of red and wails. I am not fit to teach anything.”
“You think the orcs of Rove Wood treat me unfairly? That they don’t see my potential? I believe it is you who does not see how horrific this potential of mine could be if left to run wild. Your own drive for power has made you blind, cousin.”
“Govek, that is too far,” Karthoc said so low and deadly it snapped up Govek’s spine.
But Govek could not stop. Not now. “Everything that my brethren say about me is true, Karthoc.”
The snarl faded from Karthoc.
“Every Fades-fucked thing. I am uncontrolled, and violent, and unpredictable. My fury is unchecked and turns my magic into something so foul it is a wonder Rove Wood Clan has sustained me this long. I have not even been trained to control it. None could stand in my way if I truly lost myself.”
“Easy, tough guy.”
Miranda’s voice soothed him through his mind’s eye and Govek managed a deep breath. “I am the vile wretch they say I am, Karthoc. And we both know that it’s best for everyone’s sake that I stay far away.”
With that, Govek turned away from Karthoc, walked into the crowd and used Miranda’s scent to guide him.
Fuck, fuck. What had he said? What was he doing? Karthoc may have been his cousin, but he was still the warlord. Treating him so brashly could get him sent to the Foothills before the judgment even took place.
He would lose Miranda.
There was no way Govek would ever let that happen.
A foolhardy plan skipped into his mind, planted itself deep.
He knew what he and Miranda would have to do. It was drastic and foolish and she wasn’t going to like it, but they had no other option.
Govek moved through a crowd of orc warriors and into an open area at the center of the trade. Everyone around him was mingling, peaceful. Laughter radiated and smiles abounded.
None of that did anything to lighten his mood.
He scanned, desperate to find Miranda. His eyes locked on her but instead of relief his body quaked with turmoil.
Miranda was talking with Yerina.
“So, what do you think of the trade, Miranda?” Savili asked as her mate continued to unload boxes of perfectly ripe fruit. Her baby was happily cooing in the sling over her shoulder and the tension from the ride over had lifted away. “Would you like me to help you get settled?”
“That would be great.” Miranda examined the tables again. Most were bustling with multiple orcs haggling and even more waiting. She didn’t even know where to start.
“Is there something in particular you’re looking for?”
Something she was looking for? Her eyes scanned over the heaps of cloth, and shoes, and small carved items. There was very little food, but it seemed that was because the orcs provided it.
Besides making connections so their lives would be easier after Rove Wood Clan left, it really didn’t matter. Govek could hunt, grow, or make almost everything they needed.
But... there was one thing. “Is there... anyone at Oakwall that can help with trauma?”
Savili tipped her head, blonde hair catching in the wind, and Iytier glanced momentarily their direction. Miranda felt her cheeks heat as Savili asked, “What do you mean?”