“I’m sure she did.” Miranda waved her hand as if batting off the topic. “And she was lying.”

Her argument caused whispers to roll through the clan.

“You’ve been doused with vorial herb. You don’t know what happened to you.”

“So, you’re discounting my word now? I don’t even get to tell my side of the story?”

“No one is saying that.” Govek’s father stepped into the fray, his hair in a tight, neat queue. His violet robes perfectly fitted. His expression was easy, ready to take on this great matter with his usual grace.

He’d been raging at Govek just a few moments prior. Demanding he stay and atone for the atrocity of splintering the table, which was still smoking. Govek could see the black, spiderweb like cracks from where he stood. He shivered.

And Miranda tightened her hold on his hand.

Chief Ergoth stepped in front of Agol on the platform. He and Miranda stood below, craning their necks to see them.

“Miranda, I vow you will get to speak your side once Agol is done. My clan, please remain calm. Sythcol, will you release more clearing?” Chief Ergoth appeared regal and calm. All traces of the drink that had once addled his mind were gone.

Govek’s stomach twisted as the lead conjurer picked up his work again. Sythcol sat at a small table near the platform, surrounded by shelves of herbs and tinctures. His black hands moved gracefully over a wooden bowl of incense as he swirled the smoke up and cast the familiar scent of copal into the air. The smoke spiraled up into the leaves of the Rove Tree and disappeared.

The clearing magic whispered in Govek’s veins. It swirled up his thoughts and a sense of calm descended heavily in his mind.

His hand tightened around Miranda’s and he soaked up her warmth. Her support was sweet and strong. It flattened out his anger like a heavy leather hide smothered out flames.

She offered better aid than the clearing ever had.

“Please, Agol, go on,” Ergoth said.

“They came upon Govek attacking Miranda. She’d been drugged with vorial and was mostly unconscious. Wolvc and Rogeth rushed to aid her, but Govek intercepted before they could reach her side. Govek struck my son with a magic-laced punch to the jaw that has splintered the bone. Hovget is yet unsure if it can be mended.”

Govek went so cold, he thought he might lose his feet.

Wolvc may lose his jaw.

He was a fucking beast. An abomination of the Fades?—

“Oh wow.”

Govek blinked toward Miranda, who only appeared wryly amused by these vicious truths. She shook her head as if in disbelief.

But what was there not to believe? He had struck Wolvc. He had destroyed the young male’s jaw. He had infused his brutal strength with magic to make the blow more deadly.

“They were forced to retreat and raced to find Hovget at his healing house. Wolvc is there now, and his outlook is grim.” Agol’s fury blazed down Govek’s spine as their eyes met for the split of a moment.

The angry voices in the clan rose again, grumbling talk of what to do with Govek now, of how to handle this new atrocity he had committed, of how dangerous and vile he was, of removing Miranda from his side.

His teeth gnashed and his blood pulsed hot in his head.

“Govek.” Miranda’s murmur caught him up, and he managed a breath.

She gave his hand a quick squeeze before speaking loudly. “That is not what happened.”

“You may now speak your side, Miranda,” Ergoth said before raising his hand toward Sythcol. The lead conjurer doubled his efforts, and Govek almost coughed as a plume of copal swallowed up his head.

His anger dulled and his senses dimmed. He sucked in the clearing, using the magical smoke to quell his fury, to soothe his emotions, and help him to concentrate—as it was meant to do.

It took a moment for him to realize that Miranda had gone up onto the platform. She stood at the edge, so beautiful it made his chest tight. Her brown waves of hair flowed down her back; her hazelnut eyes flashed to him before looking to the orcs behind him.

“I was speaking with the seer in the woods when?——”