‘What ride are you looking forward to going on the most?’
It was another pathetic question, but I was trying. Since the minute we’d first met, Jessica and I had sparred. I wasn’t used to being civil with her.
‘The coach journey back here.’
I sighed and pulled out my phone. I didn’t have her number, but Edwin had included us both on an email with the address for the B&B, so if I wanted to speak to her, I’d have to use that. I wouldn’t be whispering in her ear again. It wasn’t safe.
After saving her email address, I typed out a message.
From: [email protected]
Date: Saturday 3rd May, 13.49
Subject: Communication
Dear Ms Johnson,
For the sake of keeping up appearances, please could you respond with more than just monosyllabic responses.
Yours sincerely,
‘Check your email,’ I said.
‘Why? Is there another phantom message from Edwin?’
‘Just do it.’
She sighed and whipped out her phone, then started typing. My phone pinged.
Rather than just talking to me, which was the whole point of my email, she’d sent me a message.
From: [email protected]
Date: Saturday 3rd May, 13.52
Subject: Communication
Dear Mr Eaves,
I’d rather eat an elephant’s testicles than have a conversation with you.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Johnson
As I read her email, I snorted.
From: [email protected]
Date: Saturday 3rd May, 13.56