Page 35 of The Romance Library

‘No, thank you, it’s okay.’ I smiled, trying to mask the frustration bubbling inside me.

Theo was always one step ahead. Not only had he arrived early, but he already seemed to have charmed the trip organiser. But this was the last time I’d let him beat me.

I stormed onto the coach to see a crowd of women all huddled together towards the back. A loud rumble of laughter erupted as I got closer, and I saw that the source of the entertainment was Theo.

Theo was wearing a white T-shirt which exposed his muscular forearms and a pair of dark jeans. So he did do casual clothes. They suited him. Too much.

‘You’re so funny!’ one of the women gushed, touching his bicep. ‘And what happened next?’

They all looked captivated. Their eyes were wide and their lips were parted. They were eagerly anticipating his words as if he’d just promised to reveal the secret to eternal youth.

Just as Theo opened his mouth to speak, he spotted me.

‘Jessica!’ he announced. ‘How nice of you to finally join us!’

What a twat. He made it sound as if I was late when there was still half an hour until the departure time.

‘Theo, how nice to see you!’ I narrowed my eyes and plastered on a fake smile. ‘I see you’ve already made some friends.’

‘Yes!’ he beamed. ‘This is Paula, Martha, and Lydia and Janine. Did I get everyone’s names right?’

‘Yes!’ they chorused.

‘That’s so impressive,’ the woman with red hair said. ‘I’m terrible with names, but you’ve remembered everyone’s. Brains and good looks! You’re the total package!’

‘You’re too kind.’ Theo clutched his heart as if he was touched and had never been told he was hot before. ‘So, ladies, this is Jessica.’

‘Oh!’ The redhead’s face fell. ‘Are you two… y’know. Together?’

‘God, no!’ I blurted out in horror and the women looked at me like I was a lunatic. ‘What I mean is, we work together. We’re sort of colleagues.’

‘Great!’ she beamed, clearly relieved that the coast was clear for her to continue flirting.

‘They’re both interested in renovating Seaview High,’ one of the women whose name I couldn’t remember explained. ‘Edwin’s invited them to stay in town for three weeks so they can get a feel for the place before he makes his decision.’

‘Oh yeah, I remember Mum saying something about that.’

‘Erm, speaking of Edwin,’ I said, scanning the coach, ‘he’s coming today, right?’

‘Hello!’ a voice boomed from a speaker. I looked up and saw Nancy at the front of the coach clutching a mic. ‘If you could all please take your seats so I can do a final head count, that’d be great. With any luck, we might be able to leave a bit earlier than planned!’

The whole coach cheered like they’d just been told they’d won the lottery. Everyone really was so happy here.

As people started taking their seats, I had a brainwave.

‘Er, Janet?’ I called out to the redhead.

‘It’s Janine.’

‘Sorry, Janine. Want to swap seats with me?’

‘Really?’ Her eyes widened with shock, then sparkled like I’d just put a giant chocolate cake in front of her.

Although the journey wasn’t long, the last thing I wanted was to sit next to Theo. That was the whole reason I’d got here early in the first place.


‘Er, Jessica,’ Theo jumped in. ‘That’s a lovely idea, but remember we need to go through the document Edwin sent over?’