‘You’re missing the point! Rumour has it that Liam was supposed to star in Henry Kane’s new action film franchise. But when Kane caught Liam sticking his giant oar in his daughter’s fandango, he pulled out. Oops. Wrong choice of words, given the context. Let me rephrase: Kane dropped him. And now with pics of his fuckpole and all these stories about him bedding different women all over the internet, Liam’s rep is in the crapper. He needs some good PR.’
‘Liam’s been screwing around for years. It doesn’t seem to have hurt his reputation so far.’
‘I dunno. I know we haven’t spoken for ages, but I doubt he wants to do those roles forever. Remember, before he went to Spain, I was in his drama class. He took it really seriously. Action films helped him break into Hollywood, but at some point he’s going to want to try something different.’
‘Why? Just because he was at the show last night?’
‘Call it agent’s intuition…’
‘Anyway, what’s that got to do with me?’
‘You need a fake boyfriend to help you win this competition and he needs to show the world that he’s not just a horny, soon-to-be-washed-up action star who doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants. It’s mutually beneficial. He helps you and you help him.’
‘It’d never work.’ I shook my head. ‘Anyway, that only covers objection number one and part of point number two. You’re forgetting the bit about the fact that we can’t stand each other. He was a dick when he pissed off to Spain and he’s even a bigger dick now.’
‘Even though it was wrong for that woman to post those pics, I’m not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind having a ride on his big dick!’ Trudy cackled.
‘Gross!’ I started peeling the banana I’d brought in for breakfast, then swiftly dropped it on my plate. Putting the tip in my mouth whilst talking about Liam’s penis made me lose my appetite.
‘I’m sure you could get over this whole hate thing. You two used to be good friends, so I’m sure you could be again. The prize is worth fifty grand, Mia! After what Boris did, your options are limited. Don’t think I don’t know the office rent’s increasing soon. This is a lifeline. That money could change your fortunes.’
She was right. It’d really help with bills and the exposure I’d get from the magazine profile would be priceless. If I didn’t get a serious influx of new clients or an investment soon, the business would go under and I wouldn’t be able to pay the rent on my flat.
But this was Liam Stone.
And even if I thought it was a good idea, which for the record, I definitely did not, there were deeper issues at stake.
I’d always prided myself on being authentic, so lying went against who I was. Plus I was rubbish at it, so the judges would see straight through whatever stories we cooked up.
And it was too risky. If anyone found out, it’d ruin my reputation. What kind of matchmaker hired a boyfriend? I was a matchmaker, not a match faker. My whole business would be a sham.
If I had to lose my company, I’d rather keep my integrity.
Granny would be so ashamed. She’d left me some of her savings to help me start the agency because she believed in me, so failing would be bad enough. I couldn’t let her down by being branded as a liar too.
Trudy was trying to help and I loved her for it, but pretending to be in a relationship with Liam Stone was not the answer.
I’d think of another solution.
What exactly? Right now, I had no idea.
‘Nice job, man.’ I finished stretching and glanced in the mirror.
I was at home, working out in the room my friend had converted into a gym. It wasn’t as kitted out as mine in LA, but that was to be expected, considering staying in shape was part of my job.
‘Thanks,’ Nate replied. ‘But it’s you that put in the effort. That’s why I always liked training you. You were never afraid of hard work.’
Nate had trained me years ago when he also lived in LA and I was new to the industry. We’d always got on well. Not only was he one of the best in the business, but like me, he’d grown up in South London and we had a lot in common. So when he left the States, we’d kept in touch.
Although rehearsals and filming wouldn’t start for a couple of months, I had to stay in shape for them and the photoshoots I had coming up. That was why I’d asked Nate to train me whilst I was here.
I wasn’t stupid. Even before the whole Sunrise shitstorm, I knew I was on borrowed time. There were newer, hotter actors coming on the scene all the time, so I had to play to my strengths.