Like Geena said, I was an action star. I should stay in my lane. If I just focused on staying in shape for the underwear, fragrance and other shoots I had coming up and my next role, everything would be fine.
‘Good. But we’ve gotta find a way to fix your image, Stone. You can’t keep out of the public eye forever. We want people to forget about what happened, sure. But we can’t afford for them to forget about you. Or worse, assume you’re holed up in your mansion with a bunch of hookers. Somehow we gotta make sure you’re seen in public, but without being seen as a man whore. I’m gonna speak to Annalise and see what ideas she has, okay?’
‘Okay.’ I gritted my teeth. Annalise was my publicist. She’d better not suggest some BS like setting me up with some wannabe actress like she tried to do before. People would see right through that fake relationship shit.
Luckily last time one of my hook-ups had threatened to post sex pics, my legal team made her see sense before she took it further, so I didn’t have to go down that road.
‘Until then, don’t forget, even though the story has died down, you’re still on thin ice. I’ve promised the Grudge Match executives you’ll be on your best behaviour. But mess up again and you’re out.’
‘Got it. I’ll be a good boy.’
‘Where have I heard that before?’ Geena scoffed.
‘Promise. No women. No more trashy stories. For the next couple of months, I’ll be more celibate than a monk.’
A loud cough and splutter echoed down the phone.
‘You okay?’
‘Yeah. Just processing what you said about being more celibate than a monk. You’re really on fire with the jokes today!’
‘Who says it’s a joke?’ I said, convincing no one.
‘You might want to duck, honey.’
‘Why?’ I looked up to the ceiling and frowned.
‘To avoid all the pigs that are flying! Talk soon.’
The audience jumped to their feet and applause rippled through the air.
When Trudy had told me that the play was about a man who was burnt out, I’d thought it’d be depressing. But it was better than I’d expected.
‘Did you like it?’ Trudy faced me.
‘Yeah, it was really good. Thanks for inviting me.’
‘Pleasure! Fancy going backstage? Don’t think I didn’t see you eyeing up the stage manager I introduced you to earlier. Let’s find out if he’s single and wants to be your temporary leading man.’ Trudy winked.
‘I told you, I’m withdrawing my application!’
In the end, I was so busy that I didn’t get a chance to email the awards organisers.
Running the agency was always full on. I was responsible for everything. As well as the actual matchmaking, I had to meet new clients, answer the phone, handle enquiries from existing clients, log feedback after their dates, do admin and marketing, network to try and find new members… the list felt endless.
It was hard work. But whenever I got a phone call from a client telling me they’d had the best date of their life or had just got engaged, it was so rewarding. There was no other buzz like it.
Yes. Having some extra cash to pay the bills and hire an assistant to ease my workload or securing a feature in Happily Ever After magazine was what I desperately needed. But I had to pull out of the awards, so I didn’t know why Trudy was still talking about the stupid fake boyfriend idea.
She was right, though. I was checking out that guy. Wouldn’t hurt to find out his marital status, just in case. Not because of the awards. Just out of curiosity. And who knows? If he didn’t fancy me, maybe he’d be interested in signing up to my agency.
Trudy led me through a door close to the stage. Once the security checked our names off the list, we disappeared through a corridor and into the backstage area.
The cast were chatting away to various guests. I couldn’t see the stage manager yet, but hopefully I’d find him later.