No way. Just thinking about it made me cringe.
‘Even if I met a handsome stranger tomorrow and convinced him to be my fake boyfriend, it wouldn’t work. The judges would see straight through it. We’d need chemistry and to know each other inside out. That’s impossible to do in a week.’
‘Nothing’s impossible.’
‘And it’s dishonest. I’m a professional matchmaker. I can’t lie about finding love. Let’s face it. I’m screwed.’
‘Aunty Doreen really messed with your head. You know what you need? Well, apart from a fake boyfriend.’
‘A night out with your bestie. One of my actors is in a new play tonight. Come. It’ll cheer you up. I might even buy you a cocktail afterwards.’
This evening I’d planned to curl up in front of the TV. But imagine if I found a new client at this show? I might even meet someone with a whole circle of single friends eager to be matched up. If I convinced them all to join my agency, my troubles would be over.
‘Okay!’ I nodded, excitement flooding my stomach. ‘You’re on.’
My phone rang.
I sat on the rock-hard sofa and glared at the screen. It was Geena.
Ever since those photos Sunrise posted had gone viral, I only answered calls from the few people I could trust. Geena was one of them.
‘Just checking on you,’ she said in her thick New York accent.
‘Thanks. Just arrived at the house.’ I nestled my phone between my neck and shoulder.
I’d spent the past two weeks holed up in my LA mansion, waiting for shit to die down. But a man could only stare at the same four walls for so long. So when a friend had said I could lay low at his place in Notting Hill whilst he was in Australia, I’d jumped on the first plane to London.
‘Anyone recognise you?’
‘Don’t think so. Harry and Meghan landed just before me, so the paps were more interested in them.’
‘Good. You’re still set to start shooting Grudge Match in October, and I’ve spoken to Flavio and he still wants to go ahead with the underwear shoot. Reckons the whole world seeing your dick could be good for sales. Shame the other producers I was in talks with don’t feel the same…’
‘Fuck’s sake.’ I shook my head. ‘She shouldn’t have been allowed to post those damn photos.’
My legal team had ordered Sunrise to take them down, along with the grainy video, but the damage had already been done.
‘I know it sucks, but Henry Kane is powerful. And no one wants to go against him by working with you right now. The only reason you’re still doing Grudge Match is because the producer and Henry already hate each other. But for everyone else, right now your name is mud. You’re lucky Henry isn’t influential in the fashion and beauty industries—otherwise your endorsements would be screwed. You need to stay out of trouble.’
‘Trouble?’ Sarcasm dripped from my voice. ‘I’m always on my best behaviour.’ Humour was the only way I could get through this shitstorm.
‘Maybe it’s not those serious drama roles you keep asking me to put you forward for that I should find. You’d be better suited to comedy. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!’
‘I can definitely do those roles, Geena.’ My smile dropped. ‘I’m ready.’
‘Honey, you know I love you, right?’
‘But like I keep saying, you need to stay in your lane. Action films are what you do. It’s what you’re good at. If you want to be considered for the serious stuff later down the line, you’ve gotta stop screwing around and keep your dick in your pants!’
‘I do what any thirty-two-year-old single man in LA does. Go out and have fun. It’s not a crime. Like I keep telling you, I didn’t know she was Henry’s daughter! Life’s for living, right? What’s the point of working hard to earn all this money if I can’t let my hair down once in a while?’