‘Good idea! And did this rehearsal include a kiss by any chance?’ She raised her eyebrow.
My cheeks heated. Without even opening my mouth, I’d already given the game away, so it was pointless trying to deny it.
‘Maybe…’ A massive smile spread across my face.
‘You kissed Liam last week and you didn’t tell me?’
‘You were away on tour with your actors. I didn’t want to disturb you!’ It’d been hard, believe me. The first thing I wanted to do after that kiss was call her.
‘I would’ve found time! This is big! Seriously, I should play the lottery! The way I can predict the future is astonishing!’ she cackled. ‘So, I’m guessing from the way you’re grinning like a Cheshire cat that it was good?’
‘I’m screwed.’ I blew out an exasperated breath. After holding in my feelings for days and not being able to tell anyone, they were eating me up inside. ‘It was more than good! He said it was just fake, but his dick told a different story.’
‘Oh my God! You turned Liam’s dick to stone! See what I did there?’
‘Not funny!’ It was a little bit. ‘I hate to admit it, but… I like him.’
I dropped my head in my hands, then spilled my guts, confessing all the things that’d happened between us that I’d deliberately left out before.
‘Hon, don’t sweat it. What you’re feeling is normal. Especially given how long you’ve had a dick drought! I’d be more worried if you kissed Liam and didn’t feel anything. But this is good. You couldn’t have timed it better.’
‘Right now, don’t suppress your feelings. Lean into them. Act on everything. At least for tonight. So the more you’re into him, the better you’ll do at the interview because it’ll be the truth.’
‘Hmmm.’ I nodded. ‘That’s not a bad idea. But my emotions aren’t a tap. If I turn them on tonight and don’t hold back, I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to switch them off again tomorrow.’
‘Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Today you are Mia Bailey, sex goddess and girlfriend of the world’s hottest movie star. You two are madly in love. You can’t get enough of each other. That should be your mantra for tonight. Repeat it over and over again and start to believe it.’
‘Okay.’ I nodded, sitting up straighter in my chair. ‘It’s on.’
Iglanced in the tall mirror in Liam’s bedroom and admired the emerald-green dress and skyscraper heels he’d got me.
After leaving the office early, I’d come home and done my hair and make-up whilst rehearsing my responses to potential questions. I’d also tried repeating Trudy’s mantra over and over, hoping it would stick.
I peeked out of the bedroom window, anxious to see whether Liam had arrived. At least the paps weren’t milling around anymore. They must’ve got bored or followed Liam to Paris. When I’d gone back to my flat last night to get some stuff, it was clear there too.
A few minutes later, I heard the front door slam.
‘I’m back!’ Liam shouted.
‘Hi!’ I called out. ‘How was the shoot?’ Whenever I messaged to ask, he promised to tell me about it in person.
Liam entered the bedroom, clutching a black leather suitcase. He looked tired, but still gorgeous.
‘Forget about the shoot… wow.’ He raked his eyes over me slowly, drinking me in from head to toe. ‘You look… incredible. That dress really suits you.’
‘Thanks.’ I stepped forward, then pressed my lips onto his. Liam froze and I quickly pulled away. ‘Sorry!’ I winced. I was so focused on getting into the boyfriend/girlfriend zone, I hadn’t considered whether he’d be okay with a kiss. ‘I should’ve asked you first.’
‘Don’t apologise. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.’
‘I’m trying to get into character. I thought if I acted like I was into you, then I’d be more natural in the interview. It was a… spontaneous rehearsal.’
‘Makes sense. Want to do it again?’