My phone chimed. It was a message from…
My Hot Boyfriend
‘What the hell?’
‘What?’ He smirked. ‘Is that not accurate?’
‘It’s time for me to go.’ I rubbed my eyes again. ‘I’ll give you and your ego the space you need.’ I left the room.
‘Bye, honey!’ he called out in a fake, saccharine voice.
After pulling my hat on, I decided against it and yanked it off. It was only a short walk to the Tube and now it was getting dark, I shouldn’t need it.
‘I’ll be in touch,’ I replied, slipping on my shoes and jacket before opening the door, then closing it behind it behind me.
I was about to walk towards the gate when I felt the stupid knickers wedged in my bum again. Best to pull them out now before I set off.
Just as I reached behind my arse, I heard the front door open.
‘You forgot this.’ I turned to see Liam clutching my scarf. Suddenly a huge flash of light blinded me.
‘Shit!’ Liam shouted. ‘Take your hand out your arse and get inside. Quick!’
‘Why?’ I dropped my hand, then raced back through the door.
‘Congratulations, Mia.’ Liam sighed. ‘You’ve just been papped.’
Asharp ringtone vibrated in my ears.
What time was it?
I lifted the duvet, picked my phone off the bedside table, then groaned as I answered the call.
‘What happened to being on your best behaviour and keeping your dick in your pants?’ Geena snapped.
They’d published the photos.
‘It’s not how it looks.’ I sat up, dragging my hand down my face.
‘It looks like a woman is leaving your place fixing her dress because you’ve just screwed.’
‘Come on! You know that photos aren’t always what they seem.’
‘No, you come on! Of course I know that. But I also know you. Are you seriously telling me the two of you were sipping cocoa and playing tiddlywinks?’
‘She’s… an old friend. And I swear—I didn’t lay a finger on her.’
‘Honey, I’ve been your agent since day one and you and I both know you don’t need to use your fingers to get yourself in trouble.’
She wasn’t wrong…
With the way Mia’s dress clung to her curves, I’d be lying if I said the thought of using my mouth on her didn’t cross my mind. Only for a second, though, before I saw sense.