Page 144 of The Match Faker

‘I do now.’

‘And I don’t know how we’ll make this work, because you’re right. I need to finish this film. Not just because they’d sue my arse off, more because it’d be irresponsible to let everyone down. There’s only six more weeks, so if you can wait for me, I promise that after that, I’m done with the action films. I want to get my own stuff off the ground. So we can talk about how we can both pursue our dreams and be together.’

‘I like the sound of that. And of course I’ll wait! We’ve already been apart for a month. What’s a few more weeks?’

‘And maybe you can come over and visit, if it won’t interfere with your work?’

‘I’d love that!’

‘How’s everything going with the agency? You’ll never guess who I saw at the airport!’


‘Mr Grumpy Dickhead Morgan. Cosying up with Gillian Madeley.’

‘No way! Gillian doesn’t surprise me. I knew she was a cheater. But Mr Morgan’s got a wife and kids too.’

‘Yep. What they do behind their partners’ backs is their business, but to me it shows the whole competition was a fix. You didn’t win not because you weren’t good enough, but because of his relationship with Gillian. Look at this.’ I showed her the photo with their tongues down each other’s throats.

‘Now it makes sense! That’s how she was able to quote what I’d said about you being in tune with my needs back to me. Clearly Mr Morgan had discussed my interview with her. They probably laughed about it whilst they were in bed together.’

If Mia wanted to, she could use that photo. I didn’t care if Gillian outed our fake relationship agreement. What she’d done was much worse. They were both arseholes. They deserved each other.

‘Doesn’t matter.’ She shrugged. ‘I’m not going to do anything about their sordid affair. Karma will catch up with them. It’s their families I feel sorry for. Anyway, I’m doing just fine without the award. Work’s going great!’

She filled me in on Kelly and the influx of clients she’d had since then.

‘I knew you’d succeed. You’re so talented.’

‘Thanks for believing in me. And I believe in you too.’

‘I finished my screenplay.’

‘That’s brilliant!’ She threw her arms around me. ‘You’re going to do amazing things. And whether it’s bringing your show to TV screens around the world, or acting on stage, I’ll be there, cheering the loudest!’

‘How did I survive so long without you?’ I kissed her softly on the lips.

‘No idea!’ She laughed and the sound made my whole body come alive. ‘But now you’ve got me forever.’

‘Promise?’ I said.

‘Promise. Now come on. We better get you to the airport. The quicker you go to LA and finish this film, the quicker we can start our new life together.’

‘I like the sound of that. I love you, Tutti-Frutti.’

‘I love you too, My Very Talented Boyfriend.’



Three months later

As I looked down at the huge, hairy tarantula sitting in my palm, my heart raced.

‘Smile,’ the instructor said as I posed for a photo.

If someone had told me I’d be able to hold a spider, never mind a bloody tarantula, in my hand, I would’ve laughed in their face. But yet, here I was at the spider course Liam had booked me on, conquering one of my biggest fears.