Page 121 of The Match Faker

‘Little Liam is such a big star now! Only feels like yesterday that he was helping me in the kitchen! I always thought he was sweet on you, Mia.’

‘She did.’ Dad nodded.

‘And what good timing too! We were so worried about Mia. She’s been single for so long! Thank goodness for Liam! Now you can be happy, like Alice.’

As if I needed reminding that my sister was the gold standard. Alice beamed and Liam squeezed my hand again.

‘Speaking of being happy, I have big news!’ Alice shouted dramatically. ‘I made partner!’

‘That’s brilliant!’ Mum rushed over to give her a hug.

‘We’re so proud of you.’ Dad joined Mum, planting a congratulatory kiss on Alice’s cheek.

‘Congratulations!’ I said with as much enthusiasm as I could. Even though I couldn’t forgive her for not passing on that message, I was happy she was doing well.

I wished that for once I could do something that would make my parents proud of me too. All I ever did was make them worry.

As a grown woman, I shouldn’t need validation from them, but as stupid as it was, I still did.

‘Congrats,’ Liam said. I felt his eyes burning into me as my parents fawned all over Alice like a newborn kitten.

‘How about you, Mia?’ Mum’s face creased as she and Dad returned to their seats. ‘How’s everything with the agency? Has business picked up yet? I do worry. Your job at the bank was so stable and… maybe they’ll have you back if you ask.’

‘It wasn’t as stable as you think. They’re closing high street branches and taking most banking online,’ I said, avoiding the main question.

‘True.’ Dad nodded. ‘Now I have to travel into the city to find one. Your mum’s right. Running a business is risky. I can ask if anyone knows of any jobs going. Alice, do you have anything at your firm for Mia?’

‘Dad!’ I jumped in. The last thing I needed was to work with my sister. ‘I don’t need another job. Running my agency is what I want to do.’

‘But if it’s not working—’

‘Actually,’ Liam jumped in, ‘Mia had some fantastic news today too!’

My head shot round to face Liam.

‘Really?’ Mum straightened in her seat.

‘Yeah, she… actually, I should let Mia tell you.’

I glared at Liam, trying to communicate that I didn’t want to.

I was happy that I’d reached the finals, but I had no intention of telling my family. They’d get their hopes up. And if I didn’t win, they’d be disappointed. Again.

The table’s gaze was pinned on me. Even Alice’s eyes were wide with anticipation. Dammit. There was no going back now.

‘I-I got through to the finals of the Happily Ever After Awards,’ I mumbled.

‘What?’ Mum gasped. ‘That’s great, Mia!’

‘Excellent!’ Dad smiled.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. They actually looked thrilled. So this was how it felt to make them happy. It was like I was standing under the sun.

‘It really is.’ Liam grinned. ‘I’m so proud of her. The competition is tough, so it’s a massive achievement. The judges know how talented she is.’

My heart inflated like a hot air balloon.

‘That’s… nice,’ Alice said. ‘When are the finals?’