Before Winifred called, I’d received an email from the competition organisers.
Inside that message were the words that would seal my fate.
Their decision would decide whether my business would succeed or fail and confirm whether the fake-dating thing with Liam had been worth it.
Actually, that part wasn’t true. The last week with Liam had been pretty magical.
When I got home from work, he’d greet me with a hug and a slow kiss. Sometimes that would lead to us getting naked, but most nights, he’d take my hand, lead me to the kitchen pour me a glass of wine and ask about my day.
Then we’d cook together (well, Liam would cook, whilst I passed him the ingredients or did basic things like chop the veg). We’d eat, play classic games (last week we added Operation and Guess Who? to our collection) or he’d read me what he’d written that day.
I was so proud of him for finding the courage to work on his screenplay. I didn’t know much about the film and TV industry, but his idea sounded brilliant.
‘Earth to Mia!’ Trudy shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.
‘Sorry, I was just thinking about something.’
‘Let me guess—you were dreaming about Liam?’
‘Sort of… it’s just I want you both to be here when I open the email.’
I glanced at my watch. It was only a few minutes past six. Liam was meeting me here so that we could go for dinner at my parents.
Yep. We were doing that. I’d put it off for as long as possible, but there was no escaping it. Although Liam and I were together now and I didn’t have to worry about us being ‘found out’, I knew there would still be that expectation that we were going to have a happily-ever-after.
Now my parents would be expecting us to get married, have kids and settle down. But even though a husband and family were what I’d always wanted, I knew it wouldn’t happen with Liam. And trying not to let my mum and dad get carried away was going to be difficult.
There was a knock at the door. As I looked up, my face flushed with excitement. It was Liam.
‘Sorry I’m late.’ He burst in. ‘Traffic was a bitch.’ He bent down to kiss me softly on the lips and my whole body lit up.
‘Look at you two.’ Trudy grinned. ‘You’re adorable! So now Loverman’s here, you gonna open this email and put us out of our misery?’
‘What email?’ Liam asked.
‘It’s a message from the competition organisers. I’m pretty sure it’s going to say whether or not I reached the finals.’
‘What? Wow! And you haven’t opened it yet?’
‘No, I wanted you both to be here. If I don’t make it through, I’ll need all the moral support I can get.’
I’d become addicted to Liam’s hugs. If it was bad news and I was wrapped in his arms, I knew he’d instantly make me feel better. And Trudy would know the right thing to say to console me. Even if it was just ‘Fuck ’em! It’s their loss for not choosing you.’
‘You won’t need moral support, Mi.’ Liam brushed his thumb gently across my cheek. ‘You’ll get through. I just know it.’ My heart fluttered. It meant a lot that he believed in me.
‘I’ve been trying to tell her that all blinking day!’ Trudy huffed. ‘Come on, babes, open it.’
My trembling hand hovered over the mouse.
Here goes nothing…
I clicked into the email and held my breath as I scanned the text.