Seeing her face in the audience last night was like a shot of adrenaline. I was determined to do a great job not just for the cast and the cause, but because I wanted her to be proud of me. I was gonna miss the way she always encouraged me. The way she saw the real me.
And last night. Damn. I had no words. It wasn’t just feasting, then fucking her on the dining table. Or because she gave me the best BJ I’d ever had. It was how she took care of me. Remembering my favourite cookies. Buying them for me but keeping them hidden until I was ready to add some balance to my diet and allow myself a treat. She was just a woman in a million. I didn’t know how I was gonna let her go.
But I couldn’t think about that right now. It was out of my control. All I could do was enjoy the time we had together whilst it lasted.
The doorbell rang. I’d been so caught up in writing that I’d forgotten Nate was coming over. We didn’t get to train properly yesterday, so he’d booked me in for a session this afternoon.
Normally I’d be obsessing about burning off the pizza or ice cream. But I reckoned that with the exercise I’d done with Mia last night, I’d be fine.
I buzzed him in.
‘Hey, come up, but give me a minute. I just need to finish something.’
‘What you working on?’ Nate appeared at the office door.
‘Just a… screenplay.’ My voice wavered. I paused, waiting for him to laugh. Apart from Mia, no one else knew, so it still felt weird saying it out loud.
‘Nice one!’ He slapped me on the back. ‘What’s it about?’
‘Haven’t quite got the elevator pitch worked out yet, but basically it’s about a male escort who discovers he’s got a four-year-old daughter and gives up his career to raise her after the mum dies unexpectedly.’
‘Sounds cool, bro. What you gonna do with it once it’s finished? Pitch it to the studios?’
‘Not sure. I’m not exactly Mr Popular in Hollywood right now.’
Being seen with Mia had helped, but to get this off the ground would need serious investment. I’d put my own money behind it and maybe some contacts and friends might help too, but even that wouldn’t be enough.
‘Fuck that. You don’t need them. When you’re ready, let me know. My brother-in-law, Nico, has his fingers in different pies and he’s always looking for new business opportunities. Can’t make any promises, but I reckon he’d back you.’
‘Seriously?’ My eyes bulged. His brother-in-law was a billionaire. I’d never met him, but I’d read a few articles and knew he was a big deal.
‘Yeah. You and me go way back, so I’d vouch for you. And after you helped Andrea out last night, it’s the least I can do.’
‘Wow.’ I swallowed hard. ‘That would be… thanks. I’d really appreciate that.’
‘No worries. I got you. I’ll leave you to it. Let me know when you’re ready.’
Yesterday I was buzzing with excitement after getting back on stage. And now today, I was filled with another emotion I hadn’t felt for a while: hope.
Although nothing was guaranteed, after years of doubting myself, getting my dream off the ground finally felt like it could become a reality.
My chest felt like it’d just been inflated with a balloon pump.
I couldn’t wait to tell Mia.
‘You’re welcome! Glad it went so well. Let me know how date number two goes! Great, you too. Take care.’ I hung up.
‘Another happy client?’ Trudy asked.
‘Yep! That was Winifred. She was single for three years and I matched her with a doctor called Neo. They had their first date last night and he just called her to arrange a second one!’
This was what I loved about my job: knowing I’d helped clients to make a great connection. Fingers crossed it’d blossom into a long-lasting relationship.
‘Amazing! So…’ Trudy came over to my desk. ‘Aren’t you going to open it?’